Team Owner
Only thing I heard was he went behind the wall, they didn't say why.
If ESPN had been covering the race, they would have said why many times, interviewed him, and recapped it later in the race. He's one of their favorites.
Only thing I heard was he went behind the wall, they didn't say why.
If ESPN had been covering the race, they would have said why many times, interviewed him, and recapped it later in the race. He's one of their favorites.
Any momentum NASCAR gained from the off-season changes and pre-race excitement of the race is totally been shot by a 45 minute delay for holes in the track. This is ridiculous.
Any momentum NASCAR gained from the off-season changes and pre-race excitement of the race is totally been shot by a 45 minute delay for holes in the track. This is ridiculous.
This is stupid. Leave the hole and let them race around it.
I had to howl at Jr's comment about putting a cone out there and let them miss it.
Please keep me up to date on what is happening. The electric crews finally decided to show up to fix the power outage to some of the homes in my neighborhood and they had to shut off MY power to do it. The power has been off since VERY early friday morning and they are just now getting to it.
Oh, and before anyone asks, I have a battery backup with AT&T Uverse keeping the internet up and my laptop has 91% battery left.
That was pretty funny. Not a bad idea at this point.
I can't believe that was a single car accident.