The person above you thread..

/\ no
I like it on top...better stop that or Maj. will have to give this thread an R-rating too.
97, what can I say about you...hmm, likes to stir the pot from time to time..
Originally posted by DeeDee@Aug 10 2003, 07:46 AM
I like it on top...better stop that or Maj. will have to give this thread an R-rating too.
97, what can I say about you...hmm, likes to stir the pot from time to time..
:p /\I see that you do!
^ is going to get in trouble, if he doesn't help me keep this G-rated, or at least PG-13. ;)
^Is a good person. Oh yeah you are trying...actually it's kinda wet today...
^ Knows that Fords are what boys drive and Men drive Chevy!!!! :lol: :p
Yes it is right and you know it...Don't tell bow that though, he might think he is now a man. :)
Used to be below me in posts until i got busy in real life. :(

When i win the lottery, i will not have to work anymore, and then i can sit on the forum all day. :) One day... I'm not giving up. hehe.
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