The person above you thread..

Is post number 91 on this thread and wins a weekend with Jeff and Junior at the resort of her choice.

Zoe, wake up, wake up! Wake up Zoe its only a dream!! :waa:
alaska did a horrible thing, wrote out soemthin and got me all worked up!!!! :mad:
Lives in a State that begins and ends with a vowel. Same here. :)

A State where there's no Winston Cup races. Same here. :mad:
Woke this once dead thread up with only half the truth. I'm getting my reservations for Hawaiian vacation confirmed too.:)
If He took that Picture, Which Id bet he did, It is absoulutly AWESOME
Always flatters.

Probably has a better view out his back door than most of us
Don't know much about this person only that they're from the home state of my fav driver and apparently they've been a member awhile.:)
Sister to Gollum, and will be watching her last NASCAR race of the season today if he doesn't let her come over to watch t.v. with him on Sundays! :)
Originally posted by abooja
Sister to Gollum, and will be watching her last NASCAR race of the season today if he doesn't let her come over to watch t.v. with him on Sundays!  :)

Correction abooja, the race is on NBC. I can't get NBC:mad:
I'll be watching when it comes on TNT. That will be my last race of the season.:bawling:
Oops, sorry...


Will be watching her last race of the season next week (?) on TNT, at which point, she should convince her birthday boy brother to let her make the trip to his lovely home each Sunday until the end of the season to watch her favorite, Waaaaard Burton, try to capture himself another win! :)

How was that?
Much, much better Thanks. Come on Wahd Buhton!! You need another win little man!!!!
I don't like it when you make bad comments about Harvick but I don't hold it against him. I know its all fun.
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