Truck RACE thread --- Eldora

I was pulling for him but he needs to pack his sh1t and head to the house.

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This had been a real letdown so far. ****** caution laps. This competition caution has been 10 laps so far
Now if crafton and saunter go it'll really be good

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My opinion...Not crazy about this. The Prelude was way more fun. At least the cars were built for this. Are the drivers that inept or is it the trucks not able to work well in dirt?
I'm dreaming, but I'd love to see Gordon, Carl, and JR in this race someday. Why not? Tony already told Jeff he'd supply the truck...
All these cautions laps got me feeling like...
Fixing to finish this beer and go to bed

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**** I wouldn't even attend the race if I knew it's be like this
What's the longest green stretch so far. 5 laps?

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All these cautions remind me of the econo-bombers at my local dirt track.
It can take a while to get through their 15 lap feature.
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