U.N.: Inspectors find empty warheads in Iraq

Just read through and didn't seem like a fight at all...

Just thought I would add my opinion (no offence)...

oh and just to let you know...aussie troops are pretty much ready, so I would guess it's soon...proof or no proof...

I think if the UN doesn't support something, there is the need to question whether you should go against what they say?

But at the end of the day, as an Australian, if the USA decide to go in there and do their thing, I'm 100% sure Australia will be behind them to back them up, even if it really doesn't have that much to do with us. To me I think...if we back up America..if the day ever comes when we need their help...it's there!! So it DOES have everything to do with us....

Although sad to say the vibe mostly is that we should stay out of it...
Originally posted by paul
Yeah, I know...I'm asking you where that stuff is being said.  From the reports that I'm reading  it looks like pretty much everyone agrees this is a violation.

The inspectors are calling it a violation as well...just wondering what people are saying all those things you're referring to.  Or are they?

This is what they are saying now.:(

I don't see where "they" are saying that at all. What I read was that they need to see if they were being prepped for chemical warfare.

Isn't that what the inspectors are there to find out?
Apparantly, Saddam is already telling the Iraqi people to prepare for war. My personal interpretation is that once the inevitable was found, referring to something that violated the treaty, he'd quit dancing around acting like he is complying.

News pundits and the like need to shut up, quit trying to sway policy, and REPORT the news instead of INFLUENCING it. In times such as these, I don't care what some journalism graduate thinks...I didn't elect them to make these decisions, I elected Bush. I could not possibly care less what some jacked-up reporter thinks about it. In fact, charge a few of them with treason and watch the rest scramble to merely report instead of pushing agendas. They do more to undermine the processes at work here than any other single entity.

(getting off the soapbox)

Bombs away, boys. Enough is enough is enough. It'll be a lot easier to find and destroy these weapons when the Iraqi army is incapacitated, Saddam is worm food, and all these other countries are remembering that waking a sleeping tiger has consequences.
Got that right!

But I don't see where the reporter is saying "this isn't proof". I'm probably failing to understand what's being said...
I wasn't referring to these articles in particular. I meant the overall process from the start. I'm a little fed up with reporters trying to dictate policy from afar and pushing agendas.
That's the liberal media for ya. I've learned to filter their opinions out and just get the actual news.
I just heard on the news that a poll was taken and 62% of Americans want to go to war. That's a huge amount!! Is that pretty much what has been said over there?

An Australian poll was taken. Not that our opinion really matters over there at the end of the day...but if pretty much back up what I said in my earlier post.

Should Australia go to war against Iraq?

30% - Under no circumstances.
62% - Only with UN approval
6% - Yes, regardless of UN support

The Consequences?

65% - More terror at home.
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