Woah...that actually sounds like a GREAT idea! Your educational credentials will certainly benefit you in more ways than one, particularly if you would be looking for investors or start-up loans. A lot of businesses nowadays go through third parties for various needs and I'm inclined to believe that your services would be very attractive to a lot of businesses. The main roadblock at first would be getting your name "out there", but that's the case for all new small businesses.
My suggestion is to join your local Chamber of Commerce and BNI chapter (if there is one...if not, I could probably help you start one) once you get your business registered and have about $1,000 saved up. The name of the game in being an entrepreneur is NETWORKING. Unless you have tons of money for advertising, you will have to "rough it" at first and go out of your way to introduce yourself and your business to strangers. Nearly all businesses do business with other businesses because of the person, not because of the business...if that makes sense. If you can sell yourself then you will have no issue selling your business services, and that goes back to networking.
But seriously...check and see if there is a BNI chapter in your area. That will be one of your primary keys to success.