Where Are You Paul?

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Originally posted by abooja
I'm down here in the basement with sgbg88, and I just found a few...how can I put this nicely...lifesize inflatable dolls!!!


Don't take those, the spencer one alone is too heavy for you both
I can't believe someone would--this is terrible--I will have nightmares for a long while. I'll try to get through this, but it's going to be hard. I found---Todd, Brett, and the other Bodine shrine. I'm blind, life size Todd picture, Oh the horror!!!! As I was running away, I tripped of a Harvick bean bag chair and landed on a Micheal Waltrip blanket! Help me, I've fallen and can't get up!! I don't want to get caught, abooja help!!
UMM--Abooja could you put down the Jr. doll and help me, please. TRL is going to get us and I can't stand to look at Micheal any more!
Originally posted by sgbg88
I can't believe someone would--this is terrible--I will have nightmares for a long while.  I'll try to get through this, but it's going to be hard.  I found---Todd, Brett, and the other Bodine shrine.  I'm blind, life size Todd picture, Oh the horror!!!! As I was running away, I tripped of a Harvick bean bag chair and landed on a Micheal Waltrip blanket!   Help me, I've fallen and can't get up!!  I don't want to get caught, abooja help!!

Thats great!!:D :D
Sgbg88, quick! Climb on to the back of this humongous Jimmy Spencer blowup doll. When I pop it, we'll be blown clear to kingdome come, well away from TRL's chastising hand! :D
I'm outta here! Maybe if we bribe TRL, she won't tell Paul. We can let her have her pick of the stuff sg found in the basement. With all the stuff down there, Paul won't miss a few things.
Originally posted by sgbg88
I can't believe someone would--this is terrible--I will have nightmares for a long while.  I'll try to get through this, but it's going to be hard.  I found---Todd, Brett, and the other Bodine shrine.  I'm blind, life size Todd picture, Oh the horror!!!! As I was running away, I tripped of a Harvick bean bag chair and landed on a Micheal Waltrip blanket!   Help me, I've fallen and can't get up!!  I don't want to get caught, abooja help!!

SG, you ok???TRL loves this stuff, and we snuck into her place a bit ago.

PEACE and back out of the cyberspace, but TRL, the last time I was at your place I DID find the Jeff Gordon stuff!! :p
Originally posted by TexasRaceLady
I knew I heard mice rustling around in Paul's place.  hehehe

hahhahahhahaa glad i stayed out of it...see you all got busted.......:D :D :D
should know better then to mess with Pauls stuff..........:D

next week, we can go rummage thur aboojas and sgb's ,lappys,stuff...........who knows what goodies we will find there.........:D :D :D
I'm on Abooja, let it rip!! After we clear Paul's place I think we can out run her, especially if you throw her that Jr. doll!!

That was some landing! Good thing we got out when we did.

I still think we're in trouble, though. I have a hard time believing that TRL can be bought. What say you?
Originally posted by sgbg88
I'm on Abooja, let it rip!! After we clear Paul's place I think we can out run her, especially if you throw her that Jr. doll!!

Save thzat Jeff doll for me, plezzz
Whew, sitting back and taking a big rest. Didn't know I would go through all that. Going to take awhile to get over those sights. Hope the neighbors didn't see Jimmy fly through the air!! Now how do we take care of TRL? Any ideas?
Just act normal........maybe she didn't recognize any of us.:)
anybody by the door keeping an eye out for paul.........??:rolleyes:

don't want to get caught now you know........:)
Well, instead of a cold cash bribe, why don't we try something a little different?...Say, a lifetime supply of free homemade baked goods, 1/2 of the Dale Jr. standups, sheetmetal, autographed photos, rifles, and decals Paul had in his Dale Jr. room (I get the other half), and a lunch date with your man, DJ. Think you can swing that last part? :huh:
Originally posted by TexasRaceLady
*writing names down in little black book*

"DEW, sgbg, boo, kat, nascarwoman, cutiepie(accessory)"

See i told you we would get busted.,..TRL they made me do it........:( I'm innocent:rolleyes:
don't believe anything they tell you:( :eek:
Originally posted by 66mustang
No I wasn't.

SO THERE..........:) :D
Originally posted by TexasRaceLady
*writing names down in little black book*

"DEW, sgbg, boo, kat, nascarwoman, cutiepie(accessory)"


Thank YOU TRL, my name in a "black book" is FINE!!!!!!!!!

NOW, about YOUR secret stash.............
.... honest Miss timeout type lady. Causin' I was to afeared to go in that big ol' house. Pleez don'tca punish me..... I always thunk you was one a da nicest ladies what ever was....
Psssst...while TRL isn't paying attention...

Did anyone bother to do a panty raid? :D
Stool pigeon--there goes the jeff doll for you!!:p

mustang just wanted to know if there was Harvick stuff there! Come on TRL you wanted to be there too. You would have loved the Jr. shrine. We can get you some good stuff. Just something to think about!
*adding names*

Lap3 and 66mustang, while not directly involved were accessories.

I'll not say anything about this little escapade, but never fear, I won't forget it. hehehe
Will someone please tell Kat to hurry up with the Jeff doll, i want it next..it's my turn...............;)
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