I've been waiting all year for this.


I love short track racing (Taylor's Version)
Feb 16, 2009
A short track somewhere
Can anyone guess where I'm at today?

I feel like I haven't lived until I go up there and try some.

Martinsville is a great track. Been there more than a dozen times.
I think it was Benny Parsons that started all hype about their hotdogs by talking about how good they are on air, and other people just ran with it. The sad truth is it's just a hotdog. Absolutely nothing special about them.
It's a puny little dog that leaves a pink stain on the bun. You could do much better on the grill in your back yard.
gordonite, part of the great taste is due to the fact that you are at M'ville. :D

Yea, I get that.
But some people go there for the first time really looking forward to the great Martinsville hotdog, then they get that thing you see in the op. lol

I'd take a bologna burger from South Boston speedway any day over the Martinsville hotdog.
They have been around and famous forever, even though Benny did like them, whether a person likes them or not is a personal choice but tons and tons of them are sold and have been sold for many years every race weekend.

"Tony Eury Jr., Earnhardt's crew chief, is somewhat of a connoisseur of the Martinsville dog. He's been eating them since he was a kid, going to the track with his dad."

From here.

I doubt that there is anything food related that Tony Jr doesn't like. lol
better have your own roll of TP! how much are they charging for those things? I could eat a dozen right now.
Yea, I get that.
But some people go there for the first time really looking forward to the great Martinsville hotdog, then they get that thing you see in the op. lol

I'd take a bologna burger from South Boston speedway any day over the Martinsville hotdog.

Not anymore - the bologna burger is awful now. New vendor. I was mad.
Martinsville is a great track. Been there more than a dozen times.
I think it was Benny Parsons that started all hype about their hotdogs by talking about how good they are on air, and other people just ran with it. The sad truth is it's just a hotdog. Absolutely nothing special about them.
It's a puny little dog that leaves a pink stain on the bun. You could do much better on the grill in your back yard.
I'm sure I've eaten a lot worse, lol.

The Eldora pizza burger was pretty tasty.
Love Martinsville, I've really gotta get back there one of these days. Those dogs are definitely my favorite cup track food. Best deal at a Cup track for sure, and I think I've seen hot dogs for as much as $7 each at other tracks (Sonoma I think?). Martinsville is awesome.
Ain't nothing better than a Martinsville hot dog. Don't let anyone fool you. It's not about the taste as much as where you are when you're eating it and you can't eat a Martinsville hot dog anywhere else. If you don't understand that then there's not much help left for you.
So one could be eating a bag of potato chips and feel that they're the best chips on planet :)


Best chips on the planet. No matter where you eat em'

As for that Hot Dog, could do without all those onions. I only like ketchup on my dog. None of that extra stuff.

I suppose that would take the gusto of eating a Hot Dog but that's how I like them.
It seems this idea escapes many.

The problem is that so many rave about the hot dog itself. My disappointment started when I saw it was a tiny dog..(where have I heard that complaint before?)...anyway, back on topic. The first bite told me it wasn't a good little doggie either. I tried to throw it away, but the security guard gasped and reached for his taser, and I decided that taser wouldn't feel good on my cherry red sunburn and I gulped it down. An hour later, that red dog was kicking me from the inside.
The color red hasn't been very nice to me.
So, my hot dog rave goes like this...

If you threaten me with a taser, I would eat Snake scat on a bun because It's Martinsville baby!!
The count is up to three.
Three! that would be just enough to make me mad.:D I envy you guys this weekend though, I went to an auto show yesterday and all they had was an over priced roach coach.:( I hope you and FB have a great time and you guys can fill us all in when you get back.:cool:
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