Recent content by fury

  1. fury

    TRL!!! How are you

    Hey Sam! How's it hangin?
  2. fury

    I hate an Android phone

    I found the same thing when picking up an Android phone for the first time. I believe this is because you get used to the nuances of each keyboard and it takes a bit of getting used to in order to switch successfully. In other words, once you've learned to slide on Gboard, the same motions on...
  3. fury

    Log In After Logged In

    Ah. I think I can explain then. When you don't check the checkbox, you're getting a session cookie that tells the browser "throw me away any time". Typically this is expected to last until you close the tab, but modern browsers are more likely to aggressively clean out cookies (especially...
  4. fury

    Log In After Logged In

    Updated to 2.2.15. Sorry for the extended downtime. Minor mishap
  5. fury

    Log In After Logged In

    Not that I know of. I'll find some time this week to update the forum software. Hope it fixes it
  6. fury

    New Member

    Glad to have you here. Thanks for your patience with the 2 step verification process. It's part of our war against spammers (because most of them go somewhere else rather than bother with setting that up). I think having a clean forum is worth the trouble, and you get extra security on top of...
  7. fury

    I hate an Android phone

    I am an equal opportunity hater. iPhone and Android both suck. That said, iPhone sucks less IMO. I just want the thing to be a phone. I don't want to have to perform rocket surgery to use it. I can find my way around an iPhone with my eyes closed. (Used to be able to do it with one hand tied...
  8. fury

    Youtube links not working

    Fixed. Thanks for the heads up. Sorry bout that
  9. fury

    Firefox or Chrome?

    Another thumbs up for Brave here. It's basically Chrome but with built-in ad blocker and whatnot.
  10. fury

    Twitter links not showing up in posts for me all of the sudden

    It's showing up for me. Do you by any chance have any "strict tracker blocking" enabled in your browser? Some have recently updated to do that and I noticed mine started showing "this was blocked by an extension" until I turned that off for this site. I also had to update the s9e media embed...
  11. fury

    Picture Posting

    Pictures support EXIF information including orientation. Most phone cameras and editors will tag a picture with this orientation setting rather than flipping the picture around itself (to avoid recompressing too many times and lowering the quality). But not all browsers know what to do with this...
  12. fury

    Logging in via Facebook is not working

    I finally figured out what was wrong. Please let me know if there are still issues using the Facebook button to log in.
  13. fury

    XenForo 2.1 update

    I wasn't able to edit my signature either. Found it, fixed it. I guess XenForo 2.x had some new permissions for them and they default to off
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