Silly Season 2025

Lying is one one the big reasons you HAVE a press conference. Press conferences are held to get YOUR side of the story you want to tell out there. Fact or fiction doesn't really play into it very much. Just this week a college baseball coach reamed out a reporter for asking a question about job opportunities he had elsewhere, only to quit and accept one of those jobs before the day was out. BALD FACED LIAR. I seem to recall a president who told us he wasn't a crook, and another that swore he didn't have relations with a certain intern. bald faced lies.......
Really? There is no "side" to the story. It's just a story.....and....ya gonna use a baseball coach and a president as examples for press conferences?
That's what I am going with until proven differently. I've seen little out of Briscoe to this point. He's a nice guy, good to see him get a ride.
Haven't heard anything from you on the subject of Briscoe until he signs with US. Shocking.
Haven't heard anything from you on the subject of Briscoe until he signs with US. Shocking.
Exactly. He hasn't done much for anybody to talk about. He won a race two years ago. I would think your duty as a ti ota puffer to get busy. It seems to be the kiss of death lol.
Exactly. He hasn't done much for anybody to talk about. He won a race two years ago. I would think your duty as a ti ota puffer to get busy. It seems to be the kiss of death lol.
In 22, we were talking about Briscoe as he made the Final 8 and won a race while doing it. That’s about as much success anyone had at SHR, including Harvick after Gene and Smoke got disinterested. Now I’ve been on record as saying big time racing is a results based business and the results haven’t been there in 23 and thus far this year…but I just think that Briscoe getting away from SHR will give him a better opportunity to swim instead of sink.
In 22, we were talking about Briscoe as he made the Final 8 and won a race while doing it. That’s about as much success anyone had at SHR, including Harvick after Gene and Smoke got disinterested. Now I’ve been on record as saying big time racing is a results based business and the results haven’t been there in 23 and thus far this year…but I just think that Briscoe getting away from SHR will give him a better opportunity to swim instead of sink.
Briscoe finished 9th. I believe that would make him out in the second round. Harvick was at the end of his career. He retired the next year. Harvick still had 2 wins the same year Briscoe got his one win in total. I know I wasn't talking about briscoe, he was never a threat to go all the way. In fact he was lucky to get into the playoffs at all IMO.
In fact, if you look at the records of the 16 who made the playoff cluster puck, his points record is nothing to be excited about in comparison to most of the others who finished below him. :idunno:
Really? There is no "side" to the story. It's just a story.....and....ya gonna use a baseball coach and a president as examples for press conferences?
There is no side to the story according to YOU, because what was said lines up with YOUR view of the world. That doesn't make it any more or less true than anything else said at any other press conference or media event. My point about the baseball coach was that while in a press conference, he not only flat out LIED when asked a direct and fair question, he tried to embarrass and belittle the reporter for even daring to even ask it. I'm just saying that you can take the answer about JGR asking Briscoe about sponsorship money at face value if you want, but I'm telling you there is a fairly high chance that answer is pure BS, because that is what people DO at press conferences, they attempt to spin situations to suit THEIR needs. Politicians, businesses, sports teams, and yes, even racing teams do it. My guess is if someone connected to HMS had said what Briscoe said, you would be screaming BS from the top of the mountain. Me, I assume 50% of everything I hear is BS, even if it's people I align with.
Lying is one one the big reasons you HAVE a press conference. Press conferences are held to get YOUR side of the story you want to tell out there. Fact or fiction doesn't really play into it very much. Just this week a college baseball coach reamed out a reporter for asking a question about job opportunities he had elsewhere, only to quit and accept one of those jobs before the day was out. BALD FACED LIAR. I seem to recall a president who told us he wasn't a crook, and another that swore he didn't have relations with a certain intern. bald faced lies.......
Check Briscoes History, he lives the Christian lifestyle and has no reason to lie about it. I believe him BUT ifyou wanna call out " bald faced liars" I see you left out Hendrick.
Briscoe finished 9th. I believe that would make him out in the second round. Harvick was at the end of his career. He retired the next year. Harvick still had 2 wins the same year Briscoe got his one win in total. I know I wasn't talking about briscoe, he was never a threat to go all the way. In fact he was lucky to get into the playoffs at all IMO.
In fact, if you look at the records of the 16 who made the playoff cluster puck, his points record is nothing to be excited about in comparison to most of the others who finished below him. :idunno:
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He made it to the 3rd round right before the Championship race. Goes 16,12,8, championship. Looking at what you posted there, looks like he finished ahead of 2 former champions one of which was the team’s franchise driver. I found his 2022 to be pretty impressive
Check Briscoes History, he lives the Christian lifestyle and has no reason to lie about it. I believe him BUT ifyou wanna call out " bald faced liars" I see you left out Hendrick.
Not leaving him out at all. I'm not naive enough to believe him any more of what he says than anyone ELSE in the racing business. It's much like cheating on the race cars. It's just how it's done and there there is no sense getting your panties in a wad about it. One of my all time favorite movie lines comes from the Jesse Stone series. "How do you believe a word that comes out of his mouth?" "I sift through his words for partial truths".
Not leaving him out at all. I'm not naive enough to believe him any more of what he says than anyone ELSE in the racing business. It's much like cheating on the race cars. It's just how it's done and there there is no sense getting your panties in a wad about it. One of my all time favorite movie lines comes from the Jesse Stone series. "How do you believe a word that comes out of his mouth?" "I sift through his words for partial truths".
Briscoe will get better at it where he is going.
As someone who's written a million bullet points for a million press conferences, they are not always about "the truth." They are about controlling narratives. Which is why I always smile when people here jump to press conferences or Bob Pockrass tweets as "proof" that something did or did not occur. They are the reason press conferences are so effective!

Having said that - the word "lies" is a pretty loaded word. If you ask me what the weather is outside, and I say it's sunny, and then you go outside 10 minutes later and it's raining, that doesn't make me a liar. It was sunny when you asked. The same is true in NASCAR, sports, business and life in general. Things change all the time. Sometimes drastically, and within minutes of seeming impossible to happen. I have seen so many "done deals" fall apart last second. Or so many things I never thought would happen come together last second. Talking truthfully about the present, and not having it match the future, is not lying.
As someone who's written a million bullet points for a million press conferences, they are not always about "the truth." They are about controlling narratives. Which is why I always smile when people here jump to press conferences or Bob Pockrass tweets as "proof" that something did or did not occur. They are the reason press conferences are so effective!

Having said that - the word "lies" is a pretty loaded word. If you ask me what the weather is outside, and I say it's sunny, and then you go outside 10 minutes later and it's raining, that doesn't make me a liar. It was sunny when you asked. The same is true in NASCAR, sports, business and life in general. Things change all the time. Sometimes drastically, and within minutes of seeming impossible to happen. I have seen so many "done deals" fall apart last second. Or so many things I never thought would happen come together last second. Talking truthfully about the present, and not having it match the future, is not lying.
Just so there is no misunderstanding, I'm not accusing Briscoe of lying, Just that my bet is that there is more to that story than what Chase let on. JGR may not have said "you can have the ride IF", but they would be derelict in their duties if they didn't ask what he could bring. The bigger point is that people can and DO outright lie through their teeth at press conferences, so not telling the truth, telling a partial truth, or purposely omitting key facts is pretty much standard operating procedure. Like you said, their purpose is usually to control the narrative, not necessarily enlighten anyone.
Every other word out of Gibb's mouth is sponsor. That's why I have a hard time believing nothing was said about funding. I'm going ahead and guessing Joe was slobbering at the mouth to have the Indian tractor people on board.
Briscoe said he was in talks with Penske/Wood Brothers as well. Not a huge leap in logic to suggest they would’ve wanted him to bring a good amount of funding to replace DEX. JGR was able to retain Bass Pro as the anchor partner.
Briscoe said he was in talks with Penske/Wood Brothers as well. Not a huge leap in logic to suggest they would’ve wanted him to bring a good amount of funding to replace DEX. JGR was able to retain Bass Pro as the anchor partner.
I didn't believe this when it was posted. Still don't
Chase may well be telling the technical truth. Maybe no one at JGR did ask him about sponsorship money.

What they asked his representation is another question.
Chase may well be telling the technical truth. Maybe no one at JGR did ask him about sponsorship money.

What they asked his representation is another question.
Chase himself during an interview said that he had more than one offer. I heard him say it. Either Gluck is making stuff up, or Chase changed his tune.
Tell ya what. Ol' smokey Rev will be puffing out a cloud with this one, but I go back to Kenseth and DeWalt. It sure looked like Kenseth was used and booted so the preacher could retain DeWalt. If the Mahindra tractors start showing up on Chases car, his days might be numbered lol.
Zilisch is barely 18 and has mostly road racing experience. He will be a terror on road courses. The big question mark will be the same for all the road racing types is how is he going to do on the ovals.
Yeah, I was gonna mention the same thing.

But I could also see one of his drivers maybe getting a call if they are any seats open in Cup.
Maybe Brandon Jones takes the Menards money somewhere else? His time at JRM has just been misfortune after misfortune not all of his own doing.
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