The 2024 Summer in Olympics

The long form is not a cold.

It’s 2024.

He did more harm to himself than anyone else. That’s his choice.

I can’t imagine competing sick in a summer sport. I just had a bad cold the other week and working outside drained me quick. (Of course it was a heat index of 120°). But I also had a bad case of vertigo at the same time as that cold.

I think the key here is that Lyles is a severe asthmatic and has had to battle that since he was a young kid, before he ever even got into athletics. It’s still something to be cognizant of if you have underlying health conditions, and a good reminder that even the fittest human beings on the planet can have underlying conditions. But for the vast majority of people it’s just not a factor for their personal health anymore. That doesn’t mean if you have it you should go into the office and cough all over people (this should really go for any common viral illness), but at the individual level it’s just not much of an issue.
I think the key here is that Lyles is a severe asthmatic and has had to battle that since he was a young kid, before he ever even got into athletics. It’s still something to be cognizant of if you have underlying health conditions, and a good reminder that even the fittest human beings on the planet can have underlying conditions. But for the vast majority of people it’s just not a factor for their personal health anymore. That doesn’t mean if you have it you should go into the office and cough all over people (this should really go for any common viral illness), but at the individual level it’s just not much of an issue.

I mean, honestly, how many businesses have reverted back to forcing sick employees to report to work?

If I could stay home while sick, I would. Especially since I have a job I can do from home.

Golden girls.
My favorite Olympic moment of passion when the Spanish goalie
stopped the OT shot from NED for the win.

I mean, honestly, how many businesses have reverted back to forcing sick employees to report to work?

If I could stay home while sick, I would. Especially since I have a job I can do from home.
I think this is one of those things that can vary wildly depending on industry, company, region, WFH capability, your leave situation, etc. I only have to go into the office once a week as is but my dad works for a guy who’s gung-ho on being in person no matter what. Just one of those deals.
I think this is one of those things that can vary wildly depending on industry, company, region, WFH capability, your leave situation, etc. I only have to go into the office once a week as is but my dad works for a guy who’s gung-ho on being in person no matter what. Just one of those deals.

This country needs a national sick leave policy. The one thing I thought we learned from COVID was that it was best if employees who are sick stay home and rest. Making them come to work is the absolute worst thing a business can do in every aspect. It guarantees other workers end up getting sick, which ultimately hinders productivity in one way or another (either they call out, or they aren't able to be as productive when they are at work).

Too many businessmen are focused on hours, not overall productivity.
I've only been able to watch the Primetime in Paris show for the most part because of my work schedule, but I think the overall attention focused on these games compared to the last few really shows how premium having live coverage is ... something that wouldn't be possible on the scale it has been this year without streaming.

This is the most I've cared about the Olympics since Athens. And, fortunately, I've been able to avoid spoilers. Or the ones that are posted come with full video.
He did more harm to himself than anyone else. That’s his choice.
I recall the incubation period is several days. We don't know yet who he may have infected.
I mean, honestly, how many businesses have reverted back to forcing sick employees to report to work?
I don't recall too many businesses requiring legitimately sick employees being required to show up before COVID, so I'm not sure how they're reverting to it. It's been decades since sick days were made common.

Yes, many companies have gone back to requiring healthy employees to return to the primary work place.
I don't recall too many businesses requiring legitimately sick employees being required to show up before COVID, so I'm not sure how they're reverting to it. It's been decades since sick days were made common.

As @FLRacingFan said, it depends on a lot of things.

Every time I've gone to the store in the last two weeks, at least one of the cashiers had a cold. One time I was at Dollar General and the cashier was so sick she couldn't even talk.

Retail, they're not "forced" persay to come to work sick, but if they miss a few days of work, they probably can't pay their rent.
Them Switzerland Beach Volleyball girls are incredible
I tried but didn't last long with Breaking (Bad).

Waiting for our famous boxer gold match coming up
within the half hour on Peacock.

I am giving Noah a pass on the covid thing.
More athletes probably got sick swimming in the Seine
than got covid. Just a guess.
Whenever I watch the Switzerland Beach Volleyball team play I can't help picturing the country. Just doesn't scream "beach volleyball". :)
Wimmins beach volleyball is not about the sand and ocean, in my opinion.

It is all about the technical skills of those brilliant athletes: the way they hold and serve the ball, their body position and stance, and things like a good hip position that often indicates their next move.

The special high-performance design of their uniforms—cut high to allow their limbs to move freely through every play.
Whenever I watch the Switzerland Beach Volleyball team play I can't help picturing the country. Just doesn't scream "beach volleyball". :)
Canada doesn't either and they're in the final.
Kitsilano Beach, Vancouver, B.C.


Beach volleyball facilities on a couple of dozen beaches here.
Gosh, it must be terribly hard to transition from indoor volley ball in the winter to beach volleyball.
I've only been able to watch the Primetime in Paris show for the most part because of my work schedule, but I think the overall attention focused on these games compared to the last few really shows how premium having live coverage is ... something that wouldn't be possible on the scale it has been this year without streaming.

This is the most I've cared about the Olympics since Athens. And, fortunately, I've been able to avoid spoilers. Or the ones that are posted come with full video.
Peacock and a second ‘primetime’ window have been game changers. NBC has killed it this year.

No disrespect, and I think it sucks Tokyo didn’t get a fair shake, but I think people were just generally fatigued by three successive Asian locations as well.
Denmark makes the Handball (still NOT a couple guys playing against a wall) final with a nailbiter 31-30 win against Slovenia.
I say bring on the "couple guys playing against a wall" in the next Summer Olympics. There are new competitions introduced each time.

May not be new but I was laughing at the one (don't know what it's called") where they kick the **** out of each other. Seemed to connect quite a bit in the crotch area.
It's been just a little over 12 hours since the Serbs played against the US, how do they have the energy for such an ass-whooping against Germany?
I was hoping the Wagner brothers would medal but Serbia are certainly very deserving, and probably even quite a bit better than France, just unlucky in the bracket draw. Jokic is the best in the world.
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