Hurricane Season 2024

And me also.

Article about the Atlantic cooling off.
This goes back to what Herschel Walker was trying to teach everyone a few years ago. The overall condition hasn't changed, China just stole our good clean air and sent their bad dirty air to America.

The same science works for the "global warming" it is getting hotter everywhere on land, it seems, while the ocean is getting cooler, to keep everything balanced.

Them scientist need to quit whining and get busy with figuring out while ocean is taking in all the needed cool air and exporting it's own hot unwanted air to land.
Cyclone 8 has brought us 6+ inches of rain in the last 60 hours. It could be more but Darling Bride refuses my reasonable requests to go out and empty the rain gauge.

Worst of it is down your way, but we're beginning to get our worst impacts. Rained all morning so far.
Everything good, @Charlie Spencer?

We got some pretty bad storms yesterday afternoon and overnight. Sunny day today but extremely humid.
Yeah, we're fine, thanks. The house is fine, the utilities all work, we have food and water, there's gas in the vehicles. The only two roads out of the neighborhood are closed but the water should subside by tomorrow. It will be a challenge getting to Mom's Alzheimer's facility (or impossible) in Southport for several days since they got 19 inches, but the facility is under a voluntary COVID quarantine anyway.

@KTMLew01 , how did it go over your way?
Yeah, we're fine, thanks. The house is fine, the utilities all work, we have food and water, there's gas in the vehicles. The only two roads out of the neighborhood are closed but the water should subside by tomorrow. It will be a challenge getting to Mom's Alzheimer's facility (or impossible) in Southport for several days since they got 19 inches, but the facility is under a voluntary COVID quarantine anyway.

@KTMLew01 , how did it go over your way?
It's wet. Left windows down on my truck maybe 1/4", when got in this morning, basically had to wring everything out. Need to buy new pair vent shades. The 25 years old ones fell apart long time ago. New style just slip in place. Old were stuck on with tape, then when they fell off, glued with good silicone. That **** ain't ever coming off.

Still wet. Seems to be regular thing when it rains here.
Don't know if the rain has anything to do with it but everything I move outside uncovers 8 million ants. Now I'm scratching like mad. Got nothing accomplished. Probably take a shower with a wire brush. Hate crawly insects. Bleh.
Don't know if the rain has anything to do with it but everything I move outside uncovers 8 million ants. Now I'm scratching like mad. Got nothing accomplished. Probably take a shower with a wire brush. Hate crawly insects. Bleh.

Probably the rain. Their nests are flooded out.

I dropped a Ritz cracker on the floor and a couple minutes later, there were tons of ants. I just dropped bleach on it and killed them all. There were also a bunch hiding under the cabinet speakers and amp that are wasting space in the corner of my apartment.
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