I was in Calif seeing Family from Weds to Yesterday. Logged 560 miles of driving in 4 days.
1) No, Dallas does not know how to drive in snow. When DFWites learn to drive in the sun, we'll discuss teaching them to drive in snow. Dad says we only got a small amount; other parts of DFW got several inches. It was very spotty.
2) Taking the long way around from Ontario Airport to Bakersfield, through the Mojave desert, you wouldn't know there was a disaster going on.
3) Taking I-5 (The Grapevine) from Bakersfield into LA proper, you almost need an oxygen tank, even with car A/C on recirculate. The smoke is very thick. We never saw actual flames, though.
4) My Grandma's assisted living center is about a mile across the 210 from Alta Dena. As of right now they have no plan to move, they (and I think most people/businesses on that side of the 210) are trusting the 210 will act as a fire break.
5) A Drone damaged one of the super tanker planes, which has it grounded. Put a big hole in the leading edge of the left wing.
@BobbyFord might be able to elaborate better, but one of the catalysts of the Palisades fire is that a large reservoir that could be used to fire the fire, was drained empty and Gov. Newsom has been not-very-helpful in terms of water storage for emergencies...despite fires happening every year.
7) I've texted
@Nitro Dude , but he may not have power or cell reception. The state has been shutting off power pre-emptively to prevent new fires from sparking from power lines swinging in the wind. Leaving my aunt's house in the Rancho Cucamonga area, there was no power for about 6 miles going eastward. She how power when I visited, but went 18 hours without it. It was causing issues because Emerg Mgmt is sending out mass text alerts, but the cell towers are powered down so the alerts don't go out...and when the towers come up hours/days later, the alerts go out then, despite being out-of-date