Love it. Craftsman fits truck the brand sooooo well and is a throwback to the "blue collar" sponsorship days.
2/3rds of the sponsors the series has now aren't middle-class, buy-off-the-shelf items. Xfinity, phone companies, RV's, banks, etc. Now NAPA, Pennzoil, etc are outliers- not the norm. I think that's partially why sponsors come and go so much. No one is going to buy an RV or use Haas CNC machining because the cars on TV told them to. But would someone go to Home Depot because they were a Tony Stewart fan instead of Lowe's...sure...
Busch beer is OK to me. It's the cheapest at the 7-11 literally across my my apartment. About once a month I'll get the 25oz Big One after work Saturday night and drink it on the Cup race Sunday. That's sponsor activation.