2024 Daytona 500 Countdown

All awesome pics. The 500 can't get here soon enough. The schedule this year is....interesting. I like that as soon as football ends, NASCAR begins and there is no gap. I still however, feel that NASCAR misses an opportunity to have 500 qualifying on Superbowl Sunday, No one seems to realize that most people are burned out on pre game analysis - especially for the SB since it's the most over analyzed game of the year and most over hyped too. I feel like there would be many super bowl parties that would happily watch qualifying in the early afternoon.
Except that Daytona qualifying (Talladega too) is so mind numbingly dull, it might actually drive away casual viewers. I haven't watched it any more than to have it on in the background while I'm doing something else for at least 15 years. The dullness is just multiplied by the fact that unless you have a shot at the front row, it barely even matters anyway.
Taking vacation during that time frame of the 500 and thought about maybe attending. The prices I have found have made me think otherwise. Maybe all that’s left are resale tickets and that’s why they are so high. Or maybe they are high because it’s the Daytona 500. Either way, it’s more than I can afford.
I have only been to a handful of the 500's as my preference has always been one of the races leading up to the 500. For years we had reserved seats for the qualifier's on Thursday, then we began doing the Friday show with the trucks. Even attending the Xfinity race on Saturday is pretty cool. Tickets for Friday and Saturday are generally very affordable....with all that said, there is nothing else at Daytona that comes close to the excitement of the 500.
Except that Daytona qualifying (Talladega too) is so mind numbingly dull, it might actually drive away casual viewers. I haven't watched it any more than to have it on in the background while I'm doing something else for at least 15 years. The dullness is just multiplied by the fact that unless you have a shot at the front row, it barely even matters anyway.
Jesus christ you are the biggest whiner on the planet, go away
Jesus christ you are the biggest whiner on the planet, go away
Just because I often articulate the views of people that don't have their nose up buried up NASCAR's butt is no reason to get pissy. I am surrounded by people that have no deep affinity for NASCAR and I actually LISTEN to what they have to say about the sport. Most of the people I'm speaking of couldn't be PAID to watch "restrictor plate" qualifying.
Just because I often articulate the views of people that don't have their nose up buried up NASCAR's butt is no reason to get pissy. I am surrounded by people that have no deep affinity for NASCAR and I actually LISTEN to what they have to say about the sport. Most of the people I'm speaking of couldn't be PAID to watch "restrictor plate" qualifying.
I had to laugh at your first sentence, you sure have a high opinion of yourself lol
WGAS? Why do you think we care what those old curmudgeons think?
I had to laugh at your first sentence, you sure have a high opinion of yourself lol
WGAS? Why do you think we care what those old curmudgeons think?
First off, many of them are anything BUT old, and two, I look at every person as a potential fan waiting to be impressed by what they see. That's why I'm so insistent about NASACAR putting the best possible product forward. Watching individual cars hug a white line with the driver's foot buried in the floorboard on a track that on TV makes cars look like they are going 75 MPH isn't swaying ANYONE that isn't DEEPLY invested in NASCAR. It can't even hold MY interest, and "my" team wins most of the poles at Daytona.
Just because I often articulate the views of people that don't have their nose up buried up NASCAR's butt is no reason to get pissy. I am surrounded by people that have no deep affinity for NASCAR and I actually LISTEN to what they have to say about the sport. Most of the people I'm speaking of couldn't be PAID to watch "restrictor plate" qualifying.
Not to mention...you are right about the dullness - I am usually only interested because not much else is going on at that time
First off, many of them are anything BUT old, and two, I look at every person as a potential fan waiting to be impressed by what they see. That's why I'm so insistent about NASACAR putting the best possible product forward. Watching individual cars hug a white line with the driver's foot buried in the floorboard on a track that on TV makes cars look like they are going 75 MPH isn't swaying ANYONE that isn't DEEPLY invested in NASCAR. It can't even hold MY interest, and "my" team wins most of the poles at Daytona.
Prior to plates that begin in 88' - there were 4 poles over 200 and 5 in the 190's, the rest mid 180's (AVG) from 1967 to 1978 then trailing off into the 170's before 67' yet somehow we survived.We dont need cars in the grandstands no matter how uninterested you are
Prior to plates that begin in 88' - there were 4 poles over 200 and 5 in the 190's, the rest mid 180's (AVG) from 1967 to 1978 then trailing off into the 170's before 67' yet somehow we survived.We dont need cars in the grandstands no matter how uninterested you are
I'm not suggesting we DO need cars flying into the grandstands. I'm just pointing out that what we have, for better or worse is NOT compelling television. I'm merely responding to a suggestion that people would watch Daytona qualifying over Super Bowl pre-game, and I suggested that they would not. In fact, I fear it would only reinforce the low opinion what much of the sports viewing audience already thinks about NASCAR. To borrow a phrase from Rev, sorry if that doesn't fit the NARRATIVE.
Well then, this thread with only pictures counting down the days until the Daytona 500 should be ultra boring to you all, so why don't all of ya move on and quit screwing up this one so we can post our pics.
Quite the contrary, I THOROUGHLY enjoy this thread every year. I just responded to a comment someone else made. Sorry to piss in your cornflakes.
I'm not suggesting we DO need cars flying into the grandstands. I'm just pointing out that what we have, for better or worse is NOT compelling television. I'm merely responding to a suggestion that people would watch Daytona qualifying over Super Bowl pre-game, and I suggested that they would not. In fact, I fear it would only reinforce the low opinion what much of the sports viewing audience already thinks about NASCAR. To borrow a phrase from Rev, sorry if that doesn't fit the NARRATIVE.
Ok, I'll bite, what exactly could NASCAR do to outdraw the Super Bowl Pre Game and make it draw new fans? I mean we are talking qualifying here.
Ok, I'll bite, what exactly could NASCAR do to outdraw the Super Bowl Pre Game and make it draw new fans? I mean we are talking qualifying here.
Honestly, nothing. The package is what it is, you can't change that, they are not going to change the car or the track, so you have what you have. If the duals still had any actual meaning beyond one two or part time cars, I'd say you could have the duals that day, but that kind of blows up the condensed schedule everyone seems to be sold on. MAYBE the Clash or Shootout, or whatever it's called now. Far removed from the great product it once was, it would still be vastly better than any of the alternatives. At least it would be an actual race where all the participants are trying to win. If you wanted to make it interesting, pay out the purse based on where you are running on each lap. The winner would only get the trophy. Then they wouldn't all ride until 3 to go and then crash, leaving us with an anticlimactic GWC finish.
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80 Lonnie Pirkle, Johnny Allen. Greg Portor Aaron's Adams Mustang fcc.jpg
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The black # 80 Mustang was owned by Aaron Adams and raced at Greenville Pickens for several years.
By different drivers: Johnny Allen, Lonnie Pirkle, Greg Portor, Ronnie Sanders and probably a few others I forgot.
I saw Miss Wahoo, Miss Budwiser, and Miss Crazy thing race on the river in Kankakee Ill. in 65. Beautiful wood boats in person, ground shakers on the trailers.

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