A new month yields a new Kurt Busch meltdown.

Kurt has only managed to"beat the ****" out his own career, in spite of what his jaw fapping would suggest.

The media was also kind to Kurt last year. They avoided his divorce and under reported (I applaud the respect given).The media provides a service to NASCAR, from the time Kurt was a child he had to know hot microphones are part of the big time racing gig. Kurt has no business wearing the chip on the shoulder, nor does he have the right to tell a reporter what he supposedly would do if they would just let him.

His hypocritical effort at being a man just makes me want to see him get Spencer'd.

And folks can call this hatred, I am comfortable with the idea however it gets labeled.
I have a feeling this goes back to Pockrass' eager tweeting of everything Kurt last year. Kurt is off the wall but he seemed to handle the Allgaier thing reasonably. Many people think Justin is an angel, but he drives like a spiteful idiot too often. The major contact with Kurt was Justin coming down and hitting Kurts front end over a little incident, where Kurt clearly checks up to give the position back.
This is why Kurt (and Kyle) belong in the sport. It's fun to laugh at them and/or bash them when they do something stupid and get in trouble, and they make NASCAR just a tad more interesting. They also give us something to talk about.

Well said, until they do something insane like Kyle did to Hornaday.
This is why Kurt (and Kyle) belong in the sport. It's fun to laugh at them and/or bash them when they do something stupid and get in trouble, and they make NASCAR just a tad more interesting. They also give us something to talk about.

We have to fight to keep the unique stuff in play . The unique drivers , unique tracks , unique broadcasters , unique pit crew members , etc . Otherwise , you keep dumbing down the sport to the lowest common denominator and you have nothing left worth tuning in for.
It is just the most enema needy person in Motorsports Telling the man he would "beat the **** out of him" If they would just let him.

Game, set, and match.
In an era where fans on this board have the nerve to suggest that 'some drivers ' are not giving 100% , Kurt is 'all in ' all the time . I don't like the guy , but I respect that .
We have to fight to keep the unique stuff in play . The unique drivers , unique tracks , unique broadcasters , unique pit crew members , etc . Otherwise , you keep dumbing down the sport to the lowest common denominator and you have nothing left worth tuning in for.

Have no fear teddy, nascar would never replace the unique tracks with a bunch of 1.5 clones. :rolleyes:
In an era where fans on this board have the nerve to suggest that 'some drivers ' are not giving 100% , Kurt is 'all in ' all the time . I don't like the guy , but I respect that .

Ted Kurts posterior attitude does not demonstrate he is a up on the wheel 100 percent of the time driver. In fact it indicates he is not mentally disciplined, and that performance takes a second seat to his tantrums.

This isn't the worse case but Penske had to remind him to shut up crying and do his job like a professional here.

In another episode in 2009 he did have a "mommy can I just go home race at Martinsville" by asking to park it. The captain had to ask him something like did he want to drive the car.

I can't see any other top drivers being less committed or so poorly disciplined. And they all have to struggle with bad cars too at times.

I would be willing to drop this issue even if I had power to punish. He needs no help, he seeks and thrives on self damnation, I just don't get a defense for Kurt.
Greg hates Kurt and will never cut him a break. I like Kurt and am too lenient in my opinions of him. Somewhere in the middle is probably appropriate.

But either way, I am super glad he is part of the sport. NASCAR needs more like him.
was it really the initial start of the race? it did look like justin got loose, but why is kurt up his @ss at that point of the race? and i almost felt sorry for poor kurt, being on probation and all. here's hoping the cup boys were watching. i'd be trying to "rattle his cage"!
was it really the initial start of the race? it did look like justin got loose, but why is kurt up his @ss at that point of the race? and i almost felt sorry for poor kurt, being on probation and all. here's hoping the cup boys were watching. i'd be trying to "rattle his cage"!

Kurt only got close when the 31 got loose. Kurt did nothing wrong. Allgier needs to STFU and race.
Greg hates Kurt and will never cut him a break. I like Kurt and am too lenient in my opinions of him. Somewhere in the middle is probably appropriate.

But either way, I am super glad he is part of the sport. NASCAR needs more like him.

Okay okay so Greg hates Kurt and won't cut him a break. I am smitten with the shame.

Gotta try to be fair, open minded, dig way deep down inside my heart to think of saying something nice about Kurt.. So afterwards we can all gather as a group and sing 'kumba-ya' plus the God awful 'celebration' by the uncool gang.

Thanking, Thanking nice thoughts about Kurt..... here goes......

NASCAR needs more like Kurt, cause every Body needs a colon and related parts to survive, yeah Kurts an important part...
NASCAR needs more like Kurt, cause every Body needs a colon and related parts to survive, yeah Kurts an important part...

lol We do need Kurt and Kyle around. I just wish nascar allowed each driver 1 free swing before they got fined.
KuBu moved him and knew full well that if he dives into the next corner in front of Allgaier, he's getting pay back. So, they get out of their cars, take their helmets off and discuss it like gentlemen. That's stock car racing right there.:D
Didn't get a chance to see this about Kurt until today. What a fool he is. Good driver, just not smart. I'd imagine he'll see ramifications of this soon.
So we want our drivers to show more emotion and be themselves, then we crucify the ones that do it. Let's be honest. Kurt breaks at Homestead last year and Jerry Punch has him hang out for 10 mins trying to do a interview on what happened. He let's his feelings be heard about inconsistent cars he was receiving last year and they were inconsistent racecars. He let his thoughts be heard on the crap tires at Charlotte. We all know they were crappy tires.(When are they not?) This year, he's driving his ass off and even putting his own money in the team so he can race. Then he gets put on probation for doing a "burnout" out of his pit box, there's something we don't see a couple hundred times a week. The situation was blown way out of proportion. Mean while back at the NASCAR ranch, a certain driver knocks a car in to a wall at a buck 60 after the race and that's cool. Hey NASCAR, sorry there's a driver with some fire still left in him and some personality. A driver that isn't happy running like sh*t wondering how his Washington Redskins are doing. Only complaint I have with Kurt is he drives a To*^ta sometimes in Nationwide.
Allgaier got pissy about nothing, and the only damage he had was from his retalitaion. What Logano did was far, far worse, and it was intentional contact for no logical reason.
I have to agree with Kurt on this : Busch said. "You're in this just to start stuff. That's all you're out here for." what he needs to remember is Thats the Medias job, To Find a Story!

Kurt would do himself wonders just to be polite to the media, hold it to yes sir no sir answers then smile and walk away. He put himself under scrutiny he needs to work his way out.
I wonder if things with Kurt ever get blown out of proportion because it's Kurt.

Nah. At 12:01 AM GMT, everyone forgets everything he has done the day before and starts over with a fresh outlook toward his actions each day. :rolleyes:
Kurt got canned by Roush which I would have to say is one of the top four teams. He then got picked up by Penske and you all know how that turned out. Now he is racing for a team that used to be a start and park team. He is obviously very talented but he alienates people around him with his flat out, abusive tongue.

If he "quits" this job who will hire him? In his current state of mind, he is a train wreck waiting to happen.
Kurt got canned by Roush which I would have to say is one of the top four teams. He then got picked up by Penske and you all know how that turned out. Now he is racing for a team that used to be a start and park team. He is obviously very talented but he alienates people around him with his flat out, abusive tongue.

If he "quits" this job who will hire him? In his current state of mind, he is a train wreck waiting to happen.

I'm pretty sure Kurt quit Jack, and then Jack got even by 'firing' him for the last race or 2 of his contract.
Kurt would do himself wonders just to be polite to the media, hold it to yes sir no sir answers then smile and walk away. He put himself under scrutiny he needs to work his way out.

He's his own worse enemy. He's got to learn how to deal with the media and "kill them with kindness".
Bob Pockrass is so well respected in the garage that the drivers commonly refer to him as "The Geek". True story.
From Jayski

NASCAR will look at Kurt Busch's actions after Dover Nationwide race: #51-Kurt Busch wouldn't speak with USA TODAY Sports at Dover International Speedway on Sunday, the morning after a video of him berating a reporter went viral. "Why would I want to speak with anyone today?" Busch said as he and girlfriend Patricia Driscoll exited a short chapel service at the track, about 90 minutes before the scheduled start of the FedEx 400. "No comment." Shortly thereafter, he spent about five minutes meeting with NASCAR President Mike Helton and vice president of competition Robin Pemberton in the Sprint Cup hauler. NASCAR confirmed to USA TODAY Sports that the meeting was called to speak with Busch about his Saturday tirade. Upon exiting, Busch continued to decline comment, and NASCAR wouldn't offer further details about the meeting but was considering discipline. NASCAR typically doles out punishment on Tuesdays after a race. At issue was Busch's tirade that was caught on Speed TV cameras with Sporting News reporter Bob Pockrass. Busch had been asked about his in-race actions with Justin Allgaier (the two bumped early in the race but there was no retaliation) because of Busch's recent placement on probation. Busch responded, "It (the probation) refrains me from beating the (expletive) out of your right now, because you ask me stupid questions. But since I'm on probation, I suppose that that's improper to say as well." Busch was placed on probation and fined $50,000 following the May 12 Cup race at Darlington Raceway after he did a burnout in rival Ryan Newman's pit box and then had a confrontation with Newman crewmembers after the race.(USA Today)(6-3-2012)
We have a coin.

Heads: Kurt's right. Media just wants to make crap up and twist words and make a story out of nothing.

Tails: Kurt, shut the [BLEEP] up!
I have to agree with Kurt on this : Busch said. "You're in this just to start stuff. That's all you're out here for." what he needs to remember is Thats the Medias job, To Find a Story!

Kurt would do himself wonders just to be polite to the media, hold it to yes sir no sir answers then smile and walk away. He put himself under scrutiny he needs to work his way out.

"Pocky" asked him a fair question about if it changes the way he races Allgaier and if he did race different because of his probation. That's not "starting stuff", that's a legitimate "stupid question" or as we call it in reality, a question. Kurt chose to be a dick about it.
Bob Pockrass and Dr. Jerry Punch aren't people who go around trying to start stuff and making up a story. Let's face it, Kurt's now picked fights with two of the most well respected people in the business. He's already got a bad reputation with the media, fans, sponsors and owners and he just makes it worse.
Question , trying to keep the personalities out of it , I just watched a replay of Ryan Newman exiting his pits thru Clint Bowyer's pit crew ,scattering them . I haven't seen any video of Kurt exiting his pits and getting his penalty but am wondering if the two events might look the same on camera . I know , that there is a matter on 'intent' involved , but how do you measure 'intent'?
Question , trying to keep the personalities out of it , I just watched a replay of Ryan Newman exiting his pits thru Clint Bowyer's pit crew ,scattering them . I haven't seen any video of Kurt exiting his pits and getting his penalty but am wondering if the two events might look the same on camera . I know , that there is a matter on 'intent' involved , but how do you measure 'intent'?

I said it during the race. Newman actually hit Bowyers jackman, but the 15 crew didn't react the way the 39 crew did, so there was no story.
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