have to say I like how you are making it a sleeper truck, that could still pass as mostly stock. Sleepers are awesome. Have you done anything to it that has made it not as reliable as a daily driver?
The powerglide is the weakest link durability wise, it takes the hour drive to the track or half hour to Summit's warehouse/store no problem at 70-80MPH. It's got most of the same parts in it as the powerglide in the dragster, so I don't see it having an issue anytime soon.
Nothing else has really been changed mechanically. Most of the changes so far are electrical.
The suspension upgrades are just that - upgrades, although the new front springs are certainly set up for drag racing.
New engine is still hydraulic roller, custom pistons to handle anything I can sling at them, forged rods and crank. Stock block will be the weak link. Ford GT fuel injectors, nothing really wild or otherwise non-production or concerning.
The procharger will probably be the most maintenance-needy item. Probably check the valvetrain every oil change on the procharger to be safe (ever 1,000 miles or so)