Answer and Ask

Depends on....oh uh, syrup :p

Recliner or couch
(and don't say it either :lol: )
eather :p :p

well since i always sleep on a couch when i go some wheres, but a nice recliner is good for naps :lol:

Feather or Cotton pillow
Doesn't matter much, but it does help if the carpet matches the curtains :p

sense of humor or sense of adventure?
Originally posted by 4xchampncountin@Apr 10 2004, 09:47 PM
Doesn't matter much, but it does help if the carpet matches the curtains :p

sense of humor or sense of adventure?
:lol: :lol:

with me, i got to have to be funny and like to do stuff..

Normal or A little wide and crazy?
I'm fairly wide, and some folks call me crazy too.

Ever spent the night in a barn?
never..but hit a pole once.......

ever hit an animal in your car/truck?
Yes when I was a kid. Lost my pet cat Precious.

what was your first pets name?
Precious is the first one I really remember

Who was your best friend growing up? And when was the last time you saw them?
im still growin up, i guess my fest friend would be josh or james.....and i seen them both this week.

Married, Singel, Datin, Dorvice, Widdowed
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