Answer and Ask

TBS unless the damn Braves are on.

What was the last live sports event you attended?
nascar race at california speedway last april 2003

what time did you wake up this morning?
right side........

how many cups of coffee to wake you up in the morning?
it sure does......DE likes to hit the snooze button a million times too..... :lol:

shower in the morning or in the evening?
Breakfast every chance I get.

Better gravy - sausage, ham or pork tenderloin?
Waffle House. Scattered smothered covered and topped.

Have you ever had a conversation with a homeless person?
No, but there is one that runs down the middle of the road all the time. I yell at him.

Have you ever gave one money?
Gotta be a faithful wife. Now a trophy girlfriend on the side wouldn't be bad though. :p
Sorry can't resist:

What's the difference between a hooker, a mistress, and your wife?

A hooker says "was it good for you?"
A mistress says "it better be good for me!"
You're wife says "I think we should paint the cieling blue........"

back on topic.....
Bungee Jump or Skydiving?

(that one was hard! but if figure information is useless unless you can do something about it....hate that it comes at the expense of lives tho....)

Air Force or Navy? a nephew serving in the Navy right now. He was in the Persian Gulf during the heated part of the war with Iraq.

crossbow or compound bow?
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