Bonehead of the Week: Daytona 500

It's like KK fan just wants to keep sticking his foot farther, and farther into his mouth. Im not sure how much farther it can go.
He better watch people going to label him as a Danica hater since he doesn't like the idea that she taught Jimmie.
Moejoe if you hate other peoples opinions just block me, because clearly no one but you can say anything. I bet you think Shrub should have let go of the wheel in the Shootout because there was a chance he could hit the wall, "oh so I took out 15 cars at least I didn't break a thumb".
Moejoe if you hate other peoples opinions just block me, because clearly no one but you can say anything. I bet you think Shrub should have let go of the wheel in the Shootout because there was a chance he could hit the wall, "oh so I took out 15 cars at least I didn't break a thumb".

Wow, you impress me with your ability to not open you eyes. I guess I will block you.
JJ did what he did to protect himself and his team. That's what it is. If some people don't get that, that's their problem.
The letting off the wheel thing is going to just make accidents worse, fine if you let go at the last second but if you just let go your car is going to go where it wants. There is no way to save the car if you cover your eyes.

He was crashing at 190 MPH. What's he suppose to do? If he had kept his hands on the wheel he still would've had zero control over the car. I'd rather wreck my car then have a broken hand.
He was crashing at 190 MPH. What's he suppose to do? If he had kept his hands on the wheel he still would've had zero control over the car. I'd rather wreck my car then have a broken hand.

Any man with good sense would do the same. Only a moron would think of something else at the time of it happening.
Any man with good sense would do the same. Only a moron would think of something else at the time of it happening.

I would think about getting my door away from oncoming traffic, but that may have been impossible. Drivers know that a hard hit to the driver area can still kill them.
I would think about getting my door away from oncoming traffic, but that may have been impossible. Drivers know that a hard hit to the driver area can still kill them.

I say the door is still to close to the driver, but the powertrain probably would be a problem if you moved it to the center any more than it is.
I bet you think Shrub should have let go of the wheel in the Shootout because there was a chance he could hit the wall, "oh so I took out 15 cars at least I didn't break a thumb".

There's no way that would have happened during that race.Danica didn't teach those guys how to do that at that time.:D
My bonehead goes to Chad Knaus for doing something he knows he can't do and getting himself suspended for 6 races.
Watch the in car view .... she lets go of the damn wheel.

I guess that's her signature move:) I race Late Models and Pro Figure 8 cars and we've always been taught to lift our thumbs off the wheel that way in case the wheel snaps it doesn't brake your wrists. I would think with the way she does it would cause a risk of arm and hand injuries. JJ looks like he was bracing for the side impact twice. In the Pro 8 car we cross our arms like that and usually hold the belts. I only seen it on TV when they showed it but he clearly didn't have his arms up like Danica. There was no reason for her to let go in that incident if she did though, just another over reaction like she had in Friday's practice and the Nationwide race Saturday.
Danica actually hit Ragan when she dove to avoid nothing. Im sure her cage was pretty rattled by that point on Monday.
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