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Breaking Bad was a pretty big hit when it was originally airing. Over 10 million people watched the finale, and many more discovered the show after its original run through streaming services and the seemingly endless Breaking Bad marathons that AMC runs.How many people do you really think have seen Breaking Bad? I can't think of a person I know well that ever watched it. Just like Twitter, there is a perception that these things are WAY more mainstream than they actually are. There was a big thing recently where some major political analysts had to rethink the weight they gave to social media as far gauging public opinion. What they found out after close analysis is the the vast majority of the content is created by VERY FEW, and the number of actual participants was shockingly small.
As for the other AMC megahit, The Walking Dead, I watched one episode and just couldn’t get into it. I’d be pretty lost if anybody here threw out any references to it.