The retaliation is always what's punished. It happens in all sports. Guy delivers a questionable hit in hockey, the other player slashes him back and gets called for it. Guy makes a questionable hit in football, player gets up and shoves him, gets a penalty. Guy slides hard into someone at 2nd base, then gets plunked his next at-bat, the pitcher gets tossed. It's been the way of sports forever. Just be less ****** obvious about it!!! SO.... If you don't like the way someone races you into the wall, just race them back into the wall later. Maybe even harder. But at least it's an eye for an eye, (vs a wrecked race car for a few scuffs on the right side panels). But very few of them have the discipline to handle it in a way that won't come with consequences. It's 100% on them. And it's not rocket science.