Congratulations TRD/Toyota: Manufacturer Champion in All Three Series

I made it too difficult for you to understand?

I'm very sorry. That was not my intention. Getting older can be difficult. I'll be mindful of that in future. How are the Taranna Maple Leaves doing so far this season? Is The Cup in sight yet or should I keep playing 50 Mission Cap by The T. Hip?

Wow, a Tragically Hip reference. Lots of Canada in this post.
Bill Barilko ... won the Leafs the Cup.

And there you have it.
IMO, Skoal should call these guys and set 'em straight on what builds brands and contributes to showroom traffic...:dual9mm:

Competition between Manufacturers extends to the showroom:
Competition between NASCAR manufacturers isn't confined to the race track. In a press conference featuring executives from Chevrolet, Ford and Toyota, Ed Laukes of Toyota couldn't pass up an opportunity to needle Chevy's Jim Campbell. "Let me apologize for those 16 Monday mornings," Laukes quipped, referring to Toyota's 16 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series victories this season. "Let me apologize for last night," retorted Campbell, referring to the NASCAR Camping World Truck Series championship Chevrolet driver Johnny Sauter won on Friday. All NASCAR's OEMs are in the business of selling cars, and all view NASCAR racing as an invaluable resource toward that end.

"I would just say, first of all, we're a car company," Campbell said. "So being in a sport where the car and the drivers are the stars is straight right on the money for us. What we have found in this series, we get skill and reach in terms of audience. We know, because we measure closely, that our involvement in NASCAR, we see a lift in the brand. We see key image ratings for Chevrolet lifted as well. When those two things happen, good things happen in the showroom. More people put you on their shopping list. That's a fact. We see that for sure."

Ford is expanding its involvement in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series with the addition of four-car Stewart-Haas Racing next year. "There's no secret there's a heck of an investment we all make in this sport," said Dave Pericak, director of Ford Performance. "We wouldn't be doing that if we weren't getting a return on our investment. Having said that, it's the enthusiasts that are here. We are talking to them. We are giving them what they want. At the end of the day, those are the people that go out and be the ambassadors for our companies. When somebody wants to know what they should buy, what Ford is doing, Chevy, that's who they go talk to-they talk to enthusiasts. We're really talking to the people that are going to help us carry our message forward."(NASCAR Wire Service)(11-20-2016)

You can't put much stock in what they say. Remember they took a company worth 60 BILLION dollars and put it into bankruptcy.Chrysler did the same but in the end pulled out of Nascar.
Prior to those 2 companies going Bankrupt, Ford signed over all their holding for a loan to avoid going under.

Seems to me none of them are doing all that good and maybe they should find another way to advertise. Try producing quality vehicles instead of "recalls".
Congrats to Toyota TRD, throughout the season they had the fastest cars. Well done and deserved imo.
The TRD group not only has fast cars, it looks like they work together. better at least from my outsider's POV.

(the following ramblings is not 100 percent on topic but semi related).

The HMS, SHR link or semi partnership is or better said was easily defined. But that seemed more like a link that degenerated daily imo, as in a strong one on Monday (or on shipping and receiving dates) but very watered down by Sunday.
Even more I could never see HMS, SHR or even RCR giving a crap about each other on Sunday. I especially could never see SHR or RCR reaching out to one another like that, I just don't think they are the group think or group concerned types.

SHR going to Ford along with it's most dominate driver poking JJ in the chest last year was probably not soon forgotten either. Again all of my thoughts are written as an outsider that doesn't have any way to confirm any real insights.

I just have the thought that Johnson and Harvick were easily the two chevy guys to make it happen. And Harvick is the the type of unrepentant antagonists that makes a lot more enemies than friends. So ship him the goods that is as good as ever, but that's it and no more.

I expect more or a rivalry between SHR and Penske within the Ford camp next year too. A more intense one than the TRD group has to deal with.

But again Toyota deserves the credit for winning the manufacturs championship. They were faster throughout the entire year, and thats the end all, be all imo.
The TRD group not only has fast cars, it looks like they work together. better at least from my outsider's POV.

I would agree 100%, and honestly, I am shocked by the cohesiveness. TRD has requested this in the past only to be met with an emphatic, "No!" from Kyle, et al. I remember that they couldn't even get him to a meeting to discuss working together at 'Dega by in '08 or '09. I think that what turned everything was a gentle nudge from TRD, and Coach buying in after Kyle's Championship. If anybody can bring people together, it is Coach....and Coach + David Wilson is a very powerful leadership team. Although I liked the togetherness, I will always believe that Denny took advantage of "The Plan" in Daytona, and Carl did as well in Richmond. I think that perhaps Matt and Kyle had a different view of teammate than Denny and Carl. What is truly amazing is that Coach managed to keep this stuff in house. I would imagine that the Tuesday competition meetings after Daytona and Richmond would have been something to behold.

Moving forward, I think that you will see more of the same in terms of working together. Carl had his shot. Kyle and Matt have their Championships. If Denny ever gets his act together, and Martin continues to progress, look for big things from them in '17.

Finally, TRD did this with five cars. Five cars. 1-2-3-4-5. Win percentages through the roof, and unbelievable speed and reliability--although Martin's failure in 'Dega will sting for a long time. They were never supposed to win the Manufacturer's Championship with this car count. I do think that they felt that they might have a shot when/if they get to eight cars. Staggering year.....but they wanted the Driver's Championship more. Motivation to get it back in '17.
Finally, TRD did this with five cars. Five cars. 1-2-3-4-5. Win percentages through the roof, and unbelievable speed and reliability--although Martin's failure in 'Dega will sting for a long time. They were never supposed to win the Manufacturer's Championship with this car count. I do think that they felt that they might have a shot when/if they get to eight cars. Staggering year.....but they wanted the Driver's Championship more. Motivation to get it back in '17.
I think they have an advantage running fewer cars with talented drivers and the resources concentrated on those cars.
Just as Penske\s numbers are great with their 2 cars. Chevy has larger numbers but the quality is the back half of the field excluding a couple of cars.
Question for anyone and everyone. Does anyone have an estimate of what percentage of the car Nascar uses comes from the actual manufacturer? Do they manufacture electronics, transmissions, rear ends, decals, chassis, body's etc?
Question for anyone and everyone. Does anyone have an estimate of what percentage of the car Nascar uses comes from the actual manufacturer? Do they manufacture electronics, transmissions, rear ends, decals, chassis, body's etc?
I would guess only engine block or other engine components.
I would guess only engine block or other engine components.

Thanks for responding as I didn't think it was much more then that but I wasn't sure. Not to discount the importance of the engine block but it is hard for me to get excited about a manufacturer trophy when the companies that win it don't even manufacture much of the car.
Thanks for responding as I didn't think it was much more then that but I wasn't sure. Not to discount the importance of the engine block but it is hard for me to get excited about a manufacturer trophy when the companies that win it don't even manufacture much of the car.
I'm guessing and probably wrong. More than likely aftermarket engine blocks with basic manufacturer characteristics.
I would guess only engine block or other engine components.

Perhaps the original grill templates and mfg brand decals too.Most definitely the exhaust decals that are so crucially tuned to match a brands desired rpm profile for a given track. The Martinsville exhaust decal for example has the largest circumference, while an RP decal has a smaller one.
Perhaps the original grill templates and mfg brand decals too.Most definitely the exhaust decals that are so crucially tuned to match a brands desired rpm profile for a given track. The Martinsville exhaust decal for example has the largest circumference, while an RP decal has a smaller one.
Perhaps the original grill templates and mfg brand decals too.Most definitely the exhaust decals that are so crucially tuned to match a brands desired rpm profile for a given track. The Martinsville exhaust decal for example has the largest circumference, while an RP decal has a smaller one.

I just lost a half cup of coffee laughing my sides off!
Question for anyone and everyone. Does anyone have an estimate of what percentage of the car Nascar uses comes from the actual manufacturer? Do they manufacture electronics, transmissions, rear ends, decals, chassis, body's etc?
Engine block and cylinder head castings have manufacturer part numbers. Blocks are cast by an outside supplier in Brazil.

Front and rear bumper covers, hoods and deck lids have manu part numbers. All of these pieces are made by outside suppliers.
it is hard for me to get excited about a manufacturer trophy when the companies that win it don't even manufacture much of the car.

Then, how did Chevy win 13 in a row? I mean, if the manufacturer does nothing, how did Chevy manage this? Perhaps they don't manufacturer the whole car, but they do engineer it.
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I think they have an advantage running fewer cars with talented drivers and the resources concentrated on those cars.

I think that the larger the data pool, the better--if everyone is sharing. Secondly, from a points perspective, you need more cars to push your opponents further down the finishing order. Manufacturer points are calculated by the highest finishing car from each manufacturer. With such a small car count, Toyota had to have all of their cars consistently finishing high....and so they did (adjusts Manufacturer Champion hat). Nobody expected Toyota to pull this off with five cars.
Then, how did Chevy win 13 in a row? I mean, if the manufacturer does nothing, how did Chevy manage this? Perhaps they don't manufacturer the whole car, but they do engineer it.

When you are winning a trophy for manufacturing something you don't manufacture it seems rather silly and that goes for any company including Chevy, Ford and Toy. It would be like getting a park named for me because I drove by it a few times.
When you are winning a trophy for manufacturing something you don't manufacture it seems rather silly and that goes for any company including Chevy, Ford and Toy. It would be like getting a park named for me because I drove by it a few times.

Okay, call it the Builder's Trophy which is awarded to a Manufacturer.
it's important because it sells the idea that a Camry is a trendy, high powered sedan and not some lame token of getting older.

Heck just now I saw a Camry ad on tv where two brothers were racing each other in Monaco. It just changes the perception

LOL two old guys driving around real slow!!!
Yeah that sells the image:laugh:
Regardless of what Toyota did this year, GM is still the dominate force in NASCAR. And I don't expect them to give that Crown up in the future.
Okay, call it the Builder's Trophy which is awarded to a Manufacturer.

If you are not manufacturing anything you certainly are not building anything either so a builder's trophy makes no sense. The manufacturers trophy never made much sense to me so I never really thought about it but now that I have it is smoke and mirrors especially with a common car and so many common parts.
If you are not manufacturing anything you certainly are not building anything either so a builder's trophy makes no sense. The manufacturers trophy never made much sense to me so I never really thought about it but now that I have it is smoke and mirrors especially with a common car and so many common parts.

I do understand what you are saying, but part of the fascination of this sport for me is that while the cars share so much, one manufacturer clearly outperformed the others (as did Chevy for 13 years). I think that is cool. They found details. If you come from the perspective that these are no longer stock cars, I get it, but I come from the perspective that when Toyota goes racing, this is what they can do. NASCAR is an expression of their commitment and performance IMO.
Proud of what, what did you have to do with it?

I don't get it either as if my child or grandchild excels in something I am really proud because they are part of me and part of my life. If Coke beats Pepsi in a taste test and I am a Coke drinker it doesn't make me proud or happy or sad or anything for that matter. Whatever makes a person happy is fine but instead of just enjoying it some folks also attempt to justify what they like as important or something to be feted when in fact is nothing. If a person gets exited about Chevy, Ford or Toyota winning a manufacturers trophy for not building or manufacturing something that is their business. However don't make it out to be something of significance or importance to others as it doesn't pass the smell test.
You really should get a gig with Toyota as it would be the perfect job for you regardless of what you were hired to do.

Thank you. That is nice of you to say. However, if I did that, the fanboi thing would go away quickly as every business has, well, a business side. That would ruin if for me. I love the job I have, and I enjoy my fandom.
I do understand what you are saying, but part of the fascination of this sport for me is that while the cars share so much, one manufacturer clearly outperformed the others (as did Chevy for 13 years). I think that is cool. They found details. If you come from the perspective that these are no longer stock cars, I get it, but I come from the perspective that when Toyota goes racing, this is what they can do. NASCAR is an expression of their commitment and performance IMO.

I would agree with giving JGR the first place ribbon of the year as they were the the group of men and women who put everything together over and over again and whipped the field day in and day out. Bear in mind that I am not knocking Toyota as I plan on buying another Tundra this afternoon unless something goes sideways.
Kinda like complaining about spinach when you don't even eat it. Some people like it, some don't. Doesn't seem worth complaining about as a non spinach eater but maybe that's just me?

I'm not a manufacturer fan and don't really understand those that are but hey, if that's what you like and take pride in..... Kudos to you. Congrats!
I would agree with giving JGR the first place ribbon of the year as they were the the group of men and women who put everything together over and over again and whipped the field day in and day out. Bear in mind that I am not knocking Toyota as I plan on buying another Tundra this afternoon unless something goes sideways.

Honestly, I think you need to research the role TRD has with its teams. They are much more involved than this post would portray.
I don't get it either as if my child or grandchild excels in something I am really proud because they are part of me and part of my life. If Coke beats Pepsi in a taste test and I am a Coke drinker it doesn't make me proud or happy or sad or anything for that matter. Whatever makes a person happy is fine but instead of just enjoying it some folks also attempt to justify what they like as important or something to be feted when in fact is nothing. If a person gets exited about Chevy, Ford or Toyota winning a manufacturers trophy for not building or manufacturing something that is their business. However don't make it out to be something of significance or importance to others as it doesn't pass the smell test.

It's about passion. Look at the tifosi. Irrational? Yeah. Passionate? Extremely. It's awesome. It's a break from everyday life when everything is on the line all of the time. I suppose I go to the place where you either get it, or you don't. I am proud, and you don't have to get it anymore than I have to get a purely objective analysis of a sport. I really enjoy your posts and analysis even if I don't share the same perspective. Good stuff.
I would agree with giving JGR the first place ribbon of the year as they were the the group of men and women who put everything together over and over again and whipped the field day in and day out. Bear in mind that I am not knocking Toyota as I plan on buying another Tundra this afternoon unless something goes sideways.
So did you get that Tundra?
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