Cup RACE thread --- Richmond

Did you see the people scattering on pit row? Did you see the people with small children in their arms trying to get out of the way..? Did you see the Official herding people back from Loganos blatant disregard?
Try to be more observant...

I agree he shouldn't have did what he did, but there is no reason for children and non-team members to be walking on an active track surface. There's a reason NASCAR forces team members who go over the wall to wear PPE.

Just my opinion of course.
There is a reason vehicles are directed to the far right on pit road after the race. It been like that for years.Even logano has had his family on pit road. Now, as usual, because one Karen Logano violates the unwritten rule, people question why are these people on the pit lane...
I agree he shouldn't have did what he did, but there is no reason for children and non-team members to be walking on an active track surface. There's a reason NASCAR forces team members who go over the wall to wear PPE.

Just my opinion of course.
The people you saw were crew members of the various teams, plenty of officials almost all of them motioning Logano over to the outside lane near the outside pit wall where ALL cars are supposed to be. The winning team's people, sponsors etc. were waiting until all the cars came to a stop. That is how it works after a race. That is the reason Logono had to pay 50,000 dollars.
Nope. Just pointing out unprotected folks aren't supposed to be over there, that there's the possibility of injuries even when nobody is deliberately acting like an idiot.
The only thing out of order was Logano who was supposed to be stopped in the lane against the wall. Everybody else was were they were supposed to be.
The people you saw were crew members of the various teams, plenty of officials almost all of them motioning Logano over to the outside lane near the outside pit wall where ALL cars are supposed to be. The winning team's people, sponsors etc. were waiting until all the cars came to a stop. That is how it works after a race. That is the reason Logono had to pay 50,000 dollars.

The people I saw were Dillons wife, kid, and friends amongst crew members that had to back up when logano lit the tires up.
I have not followed the Logano pit road stuff in detail.

My question is: Has Logano disputed appealed or complained any about the fine? (real questions, that I don't know the answers for).

My thought is that:
- if he has agreed to pay the 50k fine
- and hasn't made a big deal about it
-then why we would be too invested or concerned.

Wouldn't it be as simple as he was disciplined, he accepted the discipline, and a message was sent via a 50k fine that is by now common knowledge. All checks and balances to address the safety issue has been addressed.
Next race.
Hot take.

I saw that Gluck nonsense and decided it was too dumb to post. Those were examples of drivers wrecking others on purpose to win the race. The nonsense to me is lost. Dillon wrecked people to win the race. None of the others had a penalty for doing so but somehow Dillon's was the wrong kind. I mean really? The intent of those wrecks for the win were the same as Austin Dillon. Playoff win and you are in B.S.
In the real racing world without all of the gimmicks, Dillon getting beat badly by Logano wouldn't have done the stupid thing that he did and would have taken the second place finish, one that he hasn't had in forever. But there it was, win and you are in. Jackpot looking at him in the face.
That they weren't waiting for cars to stop, they were moving across pit road
They were standing there. Notice that lane is supposed to be and was clear?
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This isn't an either / or situation. Logano and those family members are BOTH wrong, although Logano's violation is far worse.
No they were supposed to be there. That is what happens with the winning driver the family and sponsors/crew. They are there to celebrate. Somehow you don't understand that what Logano did wasn't in any way supposed to happen. When, in all of these years, has any driver been penalized on pit road after the race was over? How about never. Nobody but Logano was that stupid. The family, flanked by officials on both sides were going to be escorted to the pit wall when it was safe to do so. That is the procedure.
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No they were supposed to be there. That is what happens with the winning driver the family and sponsors/crew. They are there to celebrate. ... The family, flanked by officials on both sides were going to be escorted to the pit wall when it was safe to do so. That is the procedure.
If that's the case, then I'm wrong again. I thought pit road was still hot immediately after the race, and that no one without the proper safety gear was allowed over the wall. Thanks for the correction.

Somehow you don't understand that what Logano did wasn't in any way supposed to happen.
I've agreed several times that what Logano did was wrong and deserved penalty, including in the post you replied to. I'm not sure why you think otherwise, but let me know if you'd like me to dig out the other posts.
I know I and almost everyone around me at the race did. Say what you will about the move, it made an otherwise ho-hum race worth watching up close.
I really thought watching Dillion methodically making his way to the front with a good long run car or set up was great to watch.
Watching the comers and goers over a long green run that involves good tire management is about as good as it gets imo.
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