Cup RACE thread --- Roval

Everybody calling for reddicks head and chase turned himself off his bumper

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What the hell are you looking at Chase was dumped
Imagine thinking this is a "sport." I'm surprised Vegas even allows gambling. How do you justify taking that win from the 9 just to get a few wrecking highlights to post on social media?
Huh? Who took it? Bizzare thinking
The replay homie. Tyler was on the curb. Where was he supposed to go?

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He shouldn't be on the curb tv said it was a low percentage move don't be a dumb a moronic Chase hater

And then that same weekend throw a bull**** caution to bunch the field up with 3 to go LOL
A Toyota has a chance to win a road course. What year is this?
We have a true Game 7 moment when this hits green
People hate Chase with their usual dumb posts
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