Daytona Pre-Race Race Thread

Yeah when I think NASCAR i think Lenny fricken Kravitz.
As an old faht, I love Lenny. I wonder how many of those women in the front row were even alive when that Canadian group did the original American Woman. Can they Guess Who did it? :) I remember back in 71 while I was up in NDak in the AF, they performed in their home of Sask. just up the road from where I was. This song does not show the US in a good light.
I was just telling the wife that this is just another attempt from NASCAR to get younger people involved. Us old fans are waning away and they need new ones.

Well I'm probably in the age group that they are gunning for and I still think it looks stupid.
How many do you think you could have won?

Honestly, as someone who has seen every indy car race of hers, I think she was lucky she even got that one win but I don't want to make this another bash thread. The way they said "she won in indycar" made it seem like she won consistently. I just think it's a deceiving thing to say because a lot of these "new viewers" will just assume that's what they meant.
From Twitter:
So much for track drying. If this keeps up we won't get this race in. Also concerned the rain to the west isn't moving north as 1st thought

The above Tweet is from a meteorologist who concentrates specifically on NASCAR.
From Twitter:
So much for track drying. If this keeps up we won't get this race in. Also concerned the rain to the west isn't moving north as 1st thought

The above Tweet is from a meteorologist who concentrates specifically on NASCAR.

Shoot the meteorologist and start the race.
Glad I have a DVR full of stuff to watch. I think I'll start off with some boxing recorded off HBO followed by Spartacus: Vengeance. After that it will be Portlandia. Maybe Tosh.0 after that. Glad to have options today. Stupid rain. :(
The Daytona 500 has never been pushed to the next day because of rain although it has been rain shortened four times. Is today going to be the first?
So they move Daytona to the weekend after presidents day for the first time and it looks like we will get are first rain out for the Daytona 500. Now I am pissed I have work tommarow and wont be able to watch if they did this last weekend like they used to, it was sunny and if it did rain out the next day was a holiday. Smooth move Nascar I expect record low ratings for the 500 if they have to do it tommarow.
A win is a win is a win. 'Nuff said

This race better be over before The Walking Dead comes on @9 is all I'm sayin'.
Hows this for motovation...
Twitter: It's pouring. Ceiling had lifted and rain was almost gone, and now all that has been erased. Someone send me a beer from your 500 party.

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