Don't forget, there's racing tonight and tomorrow night

Which is why he got mugged out of the way for the win.
Maybe he should take up golf.

He's already on a short leash with NASCAR. He was disqualified like six times last year. If he did something stupid, he'd probably be suspended from competition for a couple months (though that didn't stop Lee Pulliam from winning the National Championship).
Most drivers would've done that. .

I don't think so. If they owed Faulk a shot, then yes, but Larsons move was as cheap and dirty as they come. His statement afterward shows he has some growing up to do. If he starts banging on a driver during a truck race, expect them to drop back and turn him because they'll know what's coming.
Bump 'n run is one thing. Bump and spin is something else. Never had a problem with a second place car bumping if it were faster but Larson had used his car up and was no longer the fastest car. The spin was a second place car stealing a win. Falk has shown he was a driver with class, talent and composure. While Kyle Larson will to be a name talked about in the future, as a Larson fan (dissatisfied at this display) hope this is not an indication of things to come. Larson's move in this race was pure, unadulterated chicken sh1t!!!
Bump 'n run is one thing. Bump and spin is something else. Never had a problem with a second place car bumping if it were faster but Larson had used his car up and was no longer the fastest car. The spin was a second place car stealing a win. Falk has shown he was a driver with class, talent and composure. While Kyle Larson will to be a name talked about in the future, as a Larson fan (dissatisfied at this display) hope this is not an indication of things to come. Larson's move in this race was pure, unadulterated chicken sh1t!!!

Larsen showed he is a real dirtbag...its even worse when you hear these guys are friends...Karma is a bitch, hopefully he'll get it back tenfold
Pretty low rent move by Larson. Guess he decided to pull an Earnhardt on the anniversary of his death.
Falk's a good guy. I've known him for years. I didn't expect him to do anything brash. Larson's a good kid and I hate that he did this. Ultimately, NASCAR allowed it - they shouldn't have though.
The problem for is that, based on this one move, Larson is nothing but a punk, dirty driver, dirtbag. I'll gladly admit that was a hit move, but to label a guy based on one move is pretty low rent in itself.
Falk's a good guy. I've known him for years. I didn't expect him to do anything brash. Larson's a good kid and I hate that he did this. Ultimately, NASCAR allowed it - they shouldn't have though.

When Falk dive bombed Kyle with a few laps to go, all bets were off. Kyle saved his stuff, was fastest at the end and got the win. If Falk were faster, Kyle would have never caught him. And who is to say Falk wouldn't have done the same if the roles were reversed?
When Falk dive bombed Kyle with a few laps to go, all bets were off. Kyle saved his stuff, was fastest at the end and got the win. If Falk were faster, Kyle would have never caught him. And who is to say Falk wouldn't have done the same if the roles were reversed?

Larson was losing ground on Falk. That's why he used Falk's car as a brake pedal in turn three. When that didn't wreck him, he tried again in turn four to turn him. Then, after both attempts were unsuccessful, he wrecked Falk on the straightaway. Falk made a clean pass. Larson had no intentions of passing him clean. He tried several times to wreck him. Hell, three times on the last lap alone. That wasn't a bump and run, that was dirty, no good, cheapshot chicken**** racing.
One of the K&N drivers asked NASCAR on Twitter if he'd be DQ'd if he wrecked Larson on the last lap to win. And one of the Modified drivers promised to "put him in Lake Lloyd".
Larson was losing ground on Falk. That's why he used Falk's car as a brake pedal in turn three. When that didn't wreck him, he tried again in turn four to turn him. Then, after both attempts were unsuccessful, he wrecked Falk on the straightaway. Falk made a clean pass. Larson had no intentions of passing him clean. He tried several times to wreck him. Hell, three times on the last lap alone. That wasn't a bump and run, that was dirty, no good, cheapshot chicken**** racing.

I saw it differently. If Falk was faster he'd have never been passed and caught. Twice.
One of the K&N drivers asked NASCAR on Twitter if he'd be DQ'd if he wrecked Larson on the last lap to win. And one of the Modified drivers promised to "put him in Lake Lloyd".

With the amount of press and accolades Kyle has earned over the last year or so I'm not surprised that some are harboring a fair bit of jealousy and resentment. When Kyle becomes a Cup superstar the rest of these guys will be installing tires for a living.
What I disliked even more than the cheapass shot by larson was his post race comments indicating screw the fans, "they will get over it and forget in a couple of months and getting your name out there even in a bad way is good and will get you fans" and I'll still be the winner. My opinion is, you can work with some people but a punk ass attitude is a punk ass attitude and probably forever. This is my opinion so all trolling for a pissing contest will be ignored.
I saw it differently. If Falk was faster he'd have never been passed and caught. Twice.
With the amount of press and accolades Kyle has earned over the last year or so I'm not surprised that some are harboring a fair bit of jealousy and resentment. When Kyle becomes a Cup superstar the rest of these guys will be installing tires for a living.

So, it's fair game to wreck a guy like that? Sounds to me like your opinion is, "I'm a Larson fan so it's acceptable".

I like Larson but it was chicken**** and you know it. If someone had done that to Gordon, you'd be sniveling all day.

If Larson was faster, he would've been able to pass Falk the second time he rammed in to him and shoved him out of the groove. He wasn't. He slammed in to Falk TWICE in the corner and still didn't have enough talent to get around him, so he dumped him.

As for your installing tires comment -- **** you.
I like Larson but it was chicken**** and you know it. If someone had done that to Gordon, you'd be sniveling all day.

Reverting back to your "if such and such would've happened, blah blah" ways again I see.

And as far as having enough talent to get around? Larson has more talent than nearly all of that LMSC field combined. But, like the rest of the stock car crowd, you're now trying to say he has no talent based on one dirty driving moment.
Reverting back to your "if such and such would've happened, blah blah" ways again I see.

And as far as having enough talent to get around? Larson has more talent than nearly all of that LMSC field combined. But, like the rest of the stock car crowd, you're now trying to say he has no talent based on one dirty driving moment.

Did I say he doesn't have talent? No. I'm saying he ran out of talent on that last lap and resorted to wrecking Falk.

Damn I wish Philip Morris had run this race and Lee Pulliam had a good car.
And why is that? So they can take a cheap shot? So they can crash someone?

Nope. More like, Morris is possible the greatest Late Model racer in the country. Would've loved to see another Morris vs. Pulliam classic and see those two take everyone else to class.
Another interesting take:

Grand Larceny: NASCAR Trashes Short Track Racing Image Letting Kyle Larson Win Stand

And in the end they all left the .4-mile temporary race track at Daytona as rubes. Drivers and teams suckered in by an elaborate Three Card Monte-esque game by NASCAR.

There’s no other way to look at it because there’s simply no other way to interpret the message sent by NASCAR officials at the conclusion of the event.

A bunch of short track drivers made their way to Daytona to serve as joked on jesters at the Kyle Larson debutante ball.

Wrong. There would be no penalty, just celebratory congratulations waiting in victory lane for Larson. Falk, and the other true short track racers around him, were left looking like set up victims of a NASCAR promotional machine bent on force feeding the racing world their next chosen one.

It was something that made WWE events seem all too tame in comparison. It essentially sent a message to America that short track racing across the land is simply Enduro style competition where destruction of your competition is not only allowed, but heartily encouraged.

Unfortunately, when the smoke cleared, the dust settled and NASCAR had their prince-in-waiting sitting in his throne Monday, it was the image of real short track racers left most injured. Short track racing is hardly a circus sideshow, though that was exactly the picture of it NASCAR painted so vividly Monday.
I've done what @KyleLarsonRacin did last night, haven't done it again. He prolly won't either. It's part of learning and Wantin to win.
So, it's fair game to wreck a guy like that? Sounds to me like your opinion is, "I'm a Larson fan so it's acceptable".

I like Larson but it was chicken**** and you know it. If someone had done that to Gordon, you'd be sniveling all day.

If Larson was faster, he would've been able to pass Falk the second time he rammed in to him and shoved him out of the groove. He wasn't. He slammed in to Falk TWICE in the corner and still didn't have enough talent to get around him, so he dumped him.

As for your installing tires comment -- **** you.

Larson caught and passed hime twice in a wrecked car. It was really rough short track racing. If Falk ever makes it out of that series he may have a chance to do something about it. If he ends up at Discount Tire selling Continental All Season tires he'll.
Larson caught and passed hime twice in a wrecked car. It was really rough short track racing. If Falk ever makes it out of that series he may have a chance to do something about it. If he ends up at Discount Tire selling Continental All Season tires he'll.

There was only one driver in that race with nothing to gain from running that race - and that one driver did one of the worst things he could've done for his career. A lot of his future Nationwide competitors watched that. Larson went in to a race and made a statement to his fellow competitors - if I can't pass you clean, I'm going to put you in the wall. Then he gave his postrace interview which was brash.

All I'm saying is, I think a lot of the Nationwide drivers are going to race him with a lot less respect because of that. There was absolutely nothing to gain.
Not being a Saturday night short track fan , I was very disappointed in this event . It is often thrown in on this forum that this form of racing is the real thing. I saw most of the wrecks being caused by over agressive driving and dive bombing into the corners . Attrition was incredibly high , very few cars made it to the checkered flag intact . Most of the laps seemed to be run under caution. I see now what I have been missing .
Saw this on Facebook.

The problem for is that, based on this one move, Larson is nothing but a punk, dirty driver, dirtbag. I'll gladly admit that was a hit move, but to label a guy based on one move is pretty low rent in itself.

The guy showed his real character. It's really as simple as that.
I've always been one that thought on the last lap racing for the win anything goes. While I'd prefer them race it out without dumping somebody, they're racing for wins. I was fully expecting the shot Larson gave him in turn 3, just not the second one off of four. Good thing is with racing though this stuff usually equals out, so I'm sure Larson will lose some the same way he won this one.
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