GA$ Prices again...

2.20 for reg diesel 2.36, used to be diesel was way higher , now super is higher than diesel....getting tired of all the games that Big Oil plays to manipulate the market.

They say it's going up because the economy's improving.

Thing is the price of gas and oil is a big factor in why we are in a recession. And if gas prices go back up to what they were -- or even get close -- that will inevitably prolong, and deepen, this recession.

There are many companies that are closing down because of the price of gas. There will be more.

A couple months ago, the AAA president was on MSNBC. When asked why gas prices are rising while demand is falling and the price of oil is falling, he stated: gas prices are rising because we are consuming LESS gasoline.

There you have it --- either way, we lose.

Get ready for another summer of taking it up the ass. :mad:
I want to know why gas prices are, at $60/barrel, what they were when oil hit $100/barrel in 2006. :mad:
For my North Carolina friends wee'sa saved. There is a bill (SB 811) in the State House that if passed will allow Governor Sugar Dumplin' to:

To establish a system of economic controls over all resources, materials and services to include food, clothing, shelter, fuel, rents and wages, including the administration and enforcement of any rationing, price freezing or similar federal order or regulation; and to establish a system of price freezing over fuel.

So Gov. Sugar Dumplin' can freeze or ration gas prices as she sees fit. Don't you get a warm fuzzy feeling knowing that?
For my North Carolina friends wee'sa saved. There is a bill (SB 811) in the State House that if passed will allow Governor Sugar Dumplin' to:

So Gov. Sugar Dumplin' can freeze or ration gas prices as she sees fit. Don't you get a warm fuzzy feeling knowing that?
I'd rather her than the oil companies.

What have we learned from this recession? Fewer laws, fewer rules and less government in this day and age = more money for the fat cats, more jobs lost, average personal income declines, the largest gap between rich and poor in the nation's history, and the cost of living becoming sky high.

But the GOP wants us to keep out of private industries like oil and banking and things that do affect people. They think the fat cats will pass down their wealth and cut prices.:rolleyes:
Oh WOW!!

I'd rather her than the oil companies.

What have we learned from this recession? Fewer laws, fewer rules and less government in this day and age = more money for the fat cats, more jobs lost, average personal income declines, the largest gap between rich and poor in the nation's history, and the cost of living becoming sky high.

But the GOP wants us to keep out of private industries like oil and banking and things that do affect people. They think the fat cats will pass down their wealth and cut prices.:rolleyes:

In writing:
What have we learned from this recession? Fewer laws, fewer rules and less government in this day and age = more money for the fat cats, more jobs lost, average personal income declines, the largest gap between rich and poor in the nation's history, and the cost of living becoming sky high.

But the GOP wants us to keep out of private industries like oil and banking and things that do affect people. They think the fat cats will pass down their wealth and cut prices.

You show a complete lack of understanding of where we came from... This nation has always had haves and have-nots.. Over the years the have-nots have caught up with the haves, to a large extent.. More and more as the years have went by.

If you look back into your OWN family history. You will most likely find, as most of us have, that there are coal miners, share croppers or factory workers in your blood line. From times when the poor WERE poor! And the rich weren't as publicized as they are today.

Our laws aren't made by the poor...and they aren't made to make us all rich. Our laws are made by the rich and they are made to KEEP themselves rich.

I need to make a statement here.. About taxes. All taxes come from the poor! Raising taxes on the rich causes all prices to raise to cover the new tax...Who spends all their money out of every paycheck? The poor! so when the rich are paying higher taxes the poor must pay more for their products. In complete effect the poor pay the new taxes..

In writing:
What have we learned from this recession? Fewer laws, fewer rules and less government in this day and age = more money for the fat cats, more jobs lost, average personal income declines, the largest gap between rich and poor in the nation's history, and the cost of living becoming sky high.

But the GOP wants us to keep out of private industries like oil and banking and things that do affect people. They think the fat cats will pass down their wealth and cut prices.

You show a complete lack of understanding of where we came from... This nation has always had haves and have-nots.. Over the years the have-nots have caught up with the haves, to a large extent.. More and more as the years have went by.

If you look back into your OWN family history. You will most likely find, as most of us have, that there are coal miners, share croppers or factory workers in your blood line. From times when the poor WERE poor! And the rich weren't as publicized as they are today.

Our laws aren't made by the poor...and they aren't made to make us all rich. Our laws are made by the rich and they are made to KEEP themselves rich.

I need to make a statement here.. About taxes. All taxes come from the poor! Raising taxes on the rich causes all prices to raise to cover the new tax...Who spends all their money out of every paycheck? The poor! so when the rich are paying higher taxes the poor must pay more for their products. In complete effect the poor pay the new taxes..

Our laws are designed by the rich to keep themselves rich by redistributing what little wealth average Americans have.

Bush, for example, giving tax breaks to companies who cut jobs from Americans and sent them overseas for cheaper labor. Or Bush handing out MY money to the banks.

Most of the people in Washington are either greedy lawyers or greedy businessmen. Either way, they're all assholes and they're all out to screw us and I hate them all.

BTW... nobody ever said anything about tax increases.

But it was the Republicans that thought cutting taxes for the rich would open the door to prosperity to more people -- when all they did was take their money and create jobs over in China. And look how well the tax cuts for oil companies are turning out for us all.
I'd rather her than the oil companies.

Eco101 my friend. If the service stations have their prices frozen how many of them will be selling gas at a loss? Because a state governor has no power over what the wholesale price of gas can be sold for. Or, if she tries to set the wholesale price how many distributors will sale to a station in the state?

No, Sugar Dumplin' is in over her head.
$2.43/9 :eek2:WTF??? $1.99/9 just 3 weeks ago.
holiday weekend means more people on the road regardless of gas prices. wonder if vegas has an over/under for july 4th and labor day weekends.
holiday weekend means more people on the road regardless of gas prices. wonder if vegas has an over/under for july 4th and labor day weekends.
But they know that -- and they keep cutting production.

OPEC has said they are cutting production because they want more money.
But they know that -- and they keep cutting production.

OPEC has said they are cutting production because they want more money.

Well hell Andy, you want more just want your job. Gas is still lower than it was two years ago when it was over three bucks a gallon. I hate to see it go up but life is like that. When it reaches a certain level, people will again cut their driving and the gas companies and OPEC will either do something or die.
Well hell Andy, you want more just want your job. Gas is still lower than it was two years ago when it was over three bucks a gallon. I hate to see it go up but life is like that. When it reaches a certain level, people will again cut their driving and the gas companies and OPEC will either do something or die.
Except -- gas prices are going UP because demand is DOWN. The President of AAA said so himself.

You're right -- while I'm in the same boat as many Americans now who just want a job because they need an income, greedy @*$#%!#$ who are already making more money than most other companies in THE ONLY industry that is making profit (world record profits, mind you:rolleyes:) are using irrelevant factors to raise the price of their product.

Explain to my why they're in need of more money when they are already making more money than any other industry in the world?
Andy, you should have been on the Oprah show yesterday. I had to see it because I was in the waiting room waiting for my car to be serviced. The show was about the classes of today's America and along with it came the jealousness that some people have. It's always easy to blame the rich for what ever your problems are...isn't it?

Now get out there and find yourself a great job so you can advance your class and become what you dislike so much, but want to be. Gas is still a buck less than it was two years ago.
You "HAD" to watch it? No newspapers or magazines in the waiting room? They strap you down in a chair and hold your eyes open too?:eek:

Com'on, fess up, bet you watch it everyday.:rolleyes:
$2.54/9, up 55¢ in one month. 28 gallon main tank, I added a aux 24 gallon tank. This hurts when they get close to empty.:(
$2.68/9. The brillant minds in the state house plan to pass a 2¢ state gas tax increase effective July 1st. Not to help pay the deficet. Not to patch potholes or repave, not to repair/replace crumbling bridges but to fund bus service. Bus service that has had a dwindling ridership each year for the past 25+ years, can't raise the fares for those that use it though,,,,

When it's time to vote, throw the incumbents out.:beerbang:
So 7 years ago the economy was BOOMING and oil wasn't up????? :rolleyes: The economy was in the crapper about 2 years ago and gas was around 4 bucks a gallon.
So 7 years ago the economy was BOOMING and oil wasn't up????? :rolleyes: The economy was in the crapper about 2 years ago and gas was around 4 bucks a gallon.
World economy bucky, world economy. The growth of the Chinese economy is on a roll.
Its always when the price goes up that we seem to notice. I've been watching the price of crude and this is the first time its gone up more than five bucks a barrell in some time. But don't forget, we are approaching a big holiday and usually prices go up before that.
Just join the military. That way, you get free gas with every meal at the chow hall...:D
Its always when the price goes up that we seem to notice. I've been watching the price of crude and this is the first time its gone up more than five bucks a barrell in some time. But don't forget, we are approaching a big holiday and usually prices go up before that.
You are correct that people only remember when prices go up. How many even mentioned when the price declined from a high of $140+ / barrel last year down to below $60 / barrel earlier this year.
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