GA$ Prices again...

Gonna get worse. I have a friend of a friend who is in the oil business, and he says info he has reviewed has oil shooting up to 200.00 a barrel by end of 2010, meaning gas will be around 6.00 a gal. I usually would not take stock into second hand info, but the same oil man said that in 2008 gas would drop to around 1.50 a gal, and in Nov. 08 I purchased gas in Chattanooga TN. for 1.58 on the way to N.C., and on the same trip driving home through S.C. paid 1.53. Not trying to cause mass hysteria, but if you need to button down, slow down, or downsize your S.U.V. now is maybe the time.
Gonna get worse. I have a friend of a friend who is in the oil business, and he says info he has reviewed has oil shooting up to 200.00 a barrel by end of 2010, meaning gas will be around 6.00 a gal. I usually would not take stock into second hand info, but the same oil man said that in 2008 gas would drop to around 1.50 a gal, and in Nov. 08 I purchased gas in Chattanooga TN. for 1.58 on the way to N.C., and on the same trip driving home through S.C. paid 1.53. Not trying to cause mass hysteria, but if you need to button down, slow down, or downsize your S.U.V. now is maybe the time.

if they think the economy is bad now that would be an absolute disaster !:mad:
I'll never slow down but i will drive less, i feel the price of gas will hit near $4.00/gal again and that will just mean more lay offs. Wonder what O man will do then??? LOL
It's too late to sell.:( Got a 2001 GMC Jimmy SLE, 4 dr, 4wd v-6 auto, loaded.
Seems I can't even give it away.

Guess you bypassed the the great "Cash for Clunkers" stimulus package. Didn't get sucked into that one either. I sure someone would love to trade that thing in for a horse, would be a lot cheaper.
As I'm a cheap bast,,I mean frugal Yankee I buy gas at a station that offers Thrify Thursdays, a nickel off per gallon. $2.72 yesterday.
Did a lot of running around last week and it took 26.2 gallons. Do the math. Ouch.

Seems to me like it's early too. Usually it's around the beginning of May.
The local BP station is at $3.24, good luck.
Right down the street is Hess at 3.05, Gulf [formerly Lukoil] at 3.07 and a 7/11 at 3.09.
About a month ago it was around the 2.80 mark. What happened? We invade Iraq again???
The local BP station is at $3.24, good luck.
Right down the street is Hess at 3.05, Gulf [formerly Lukoil] at 3.07 and a 7/11 at 3.09.
About a month ago it was around the 2.80 mark. What happened? We invade Iraq again???

This BP station was a Getty but had changed over a month or so before the Gulf spill.
Two brothers, yes A-rabs. :D Hibeb1 and Hibeb2 nice guys but since they changed, something they now regret, business is bad.

I'm not talking about driving across town to save a penny or two a gallon but when you can look down the street and see a competitors sign showing almost a 20¢ difference per gallon and you're close to empty and have a 28 gallon tank where do you think I'm going?? It's only 5 bucks difference filling up but 5 bucks still is 5 bucks isn't it?
The government speculators have driven the cost of oil over 90 bucks a barrel (was 80 bucks less than 2 weeks ago). I saw the price of gas coming up when Obama started making friendly with the GOP. You have to watch Obama, with one hand he's looking to be doing the country good but you better keep an eye on his other hand. You can't trust anyone that's close to George Soros, because Soros wants to be a world dictator. And this came from his own mouth in one of his own books.
The government speculators have driven the cost of oil over 90 bucks a barrel (was 80 bucks less than 2 weeks ago). I saw the price of gas coming up when Obama started making friendly with the GOP. You have to watch Obama, with one hand he's looking to be doing the country good but you better keep an eye on his other hand. You can't trust anyone that's close to George Soros, because Soros wants to be a world dictator. And this came from his own mouth in one of his own books.

250 2 weeks ago, now in the 2.70's. :eek:
$2.80's here and when it jumps anymore it really jumps at least 10 cents a gallon.Not just a couple cents at a time like it used too.
Makes me really worry about what's going to happen this summer. We as a country can't handle 4 bucks again...
Since I got home from school it dropped from 3.09 to 3.07
$3.34 for Diesel the other day, cost me $95 even, to fill the tank, which will last me about 2.5 weeks. It isn't the consumption of places like China that is driving up the is Opec keeping the rate of output constant while the demand goes up. Opec specifically the Saudis, are driving the price of Oil sky high. Opec could very easily produce more, but why should they when they can rake in a few more Trillion???
$3.34 for Diesel the other day, cost me $95 even, to fill the tank, which will last me about 2.5 weeks. It isn't the consumption of places like China that is driving up the is Opec keeping the rate of output constant while the demand goes up. Opec specifically the Saudis, are driving the price of Oil sky high. Opec could very easily produce more, but why should they when they can rake in a few more Trillion???

Well, it's both. OPEC keeps production constant, the world uses more oil, and prices go up.
We should mention here.

Well, it's both. OPEC keeps production constant, the world uses more oil, and prices go up.

The value of our dollar in the world market! As the dollar value falls the price of our OIL will raise.. If the dollars are worth less the price of oil will climb.
Our children and particularly our grandchildren will see the price of gas go to $100. a gallon... Everything that takes oil to make or transport will go out of site in price.
Look around where you are sitting and see what all OIL makes! The very keyboard you are typing on is made from oil..
Our way of life will change dramatically as the oil reserves play out. There will be famine and the large cities will NOT be able to feed themselves.. Why is no one talking about this?
Yes we have plenty of oil now... AND the price is high, we think... but the future holds prices that we can't even imagine at this time.
Without oil the fields will have to be plowed by steam or atomic powered tractors.. ditto the trains. Oil powered trucks will be rusting by the roadside..
Did I give ya something to think about?
Betsy :rolleyes:
I passed a gas station on my way to taking my wife to work and gas was $2.87.9. By the time I dropped her off and came back by it was up by over a dime.
The value of our dollar in the world market! As the dollar value falls the price of our OIL will raise.. If the dollars are worth less the price of oil will climb.
Our children and particularly our grandchildren will see the price of gas go to $100. a gallon... Everything that takes oil to make or transport will go out of site in price.
Look around where you are sitting and see what all OIL makes! The very keyboard you are typing on is made from oil..
Our way of life will change dramatically as the oil reserves play out. There will be famine and the large cities will NOT be able to feed themselves.. Why is no one talking about this?
Yes we have plenty of oil now... AND the price is high, we think... but the future holds prices that we can't even imagine at this time.
Without oil the fields will have to be plowed by steam or atomic powered tractors.. ditto the trains. Oil powered trucks will be rusting by the roadside..
Did I give ya something to think about?
Betsy :rolleyes:

The world will not run out of oil, it is a myth fabricated by the big Oil Companies to drive up the price. True, prices will continue to rise, especially here in the USA, if we do not become less dependent on foreign oil.
The value of our dollar in the world market! As the dollar value falls the price of our OIL will raise.. If the dollars are worth less the price of oil will climb.
Our children and particularly our grandchildren will see the price of gas go to $100. a gallon... Everything that takes oil to make or transport will go out of site in price.
Look around where you are sitting and see what all OIL makes! The very keyboard you are typing on is made from oil..
Our way of life will change dramatically as the oil reserves play out. There will be famine and the large cities will NOT be able to feed themselves.. Why is no one talking about this?
Yes we have plenty of oil now... AND the price is high, we think... but the future holds prices that we can't even imagine at this time.
Without oil the fields will have to be plowed by steam or atomic powered tractors.. ditto the trains. Oil powered trucks will be rusting by the roadside..
Did I give ya something to think about?
Betsy :rolleyes:

We won't ever go through all the reserves. 80% of the oil isn't going to ever leave the ground because it gets more expensive to extract it.
Stations here went from 2.64 to 2.89 in a week and a half, but it's stayed at 2.89 for the last couple weeks.
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