Everyone keeps talking about that, well that technology has been available since the 60s and we haven't converted our vehicles over to it. Another viable option squelched by BIG OIL.
Supply disruption. Libya's oil is light sweet, Saudi is replacing it (likely from stockpiles) with heavy sour which much of Europe can't refine, causing a bottleneck.
Oh come on do you really believe what you just typed?
Sorry. I forget that you don't let facts get in the way of your opinion.
Your facts are skewed, what you typed is just another excuse to raise the price.
Gas has reached $3.98 here. Maybe we should go back to riding horses just saying...
$3.72/9 yesterday afternoon.
Maybe we should go back to riding horses just saying...
Local BP station [bastages] $3.99.9/10
Some talking head on TV this morning said 6, maybe 7 buck a gallon gas by September.
Good thing the world's going to end Dec 2012 as we can't afford this much longer.
I think it will be close to $5/ gal by the end of MAY,June at the latest, going to suck big time, and it's going to send us into another recession.