Doc Austin
Back From The Dead
And the aeroscreen was introduced...
Yeah, I was going there in my next post!
And the aeroscreen was introduced...
They brought a harder left-side tire at least so that didn’t help in addition to the higher track temps. It makes sense to believe the aeroscreen has an impact too, whether it be not enough air getting to the rear wing or something else. Typically passing on ovals comes from very grippy cars or tires that wear significantly and this weekend had neither of those. Fortunately the race goes back to a night event again next season. Iowa has variable banking and an old surface so it makes sense they pass more there.Mid Ohio is going to be much worse. They almost never have a decent race there. The track is too narrow and the straights are too short. Most of the corners are so close together there's never time to get alongside. I hope this time they prove me wrong.
If we go back to Iowa, both of those races were insane, so it's not the car or the shorter track that's any sort of problem. Why was Iowa so nuts and Gateway was so disappointing? Also remember that most Gateway races have been great too. We just had one slightly disappointing race.
I think most people are really more aggravated by the yellow finish than anything else.
The only thing I can figure is that the aeroscreen makes a ton of turbulence because that's the only thing that's changed since last year. Maybe over the winter they can find a solution in the wind tunnel. Maybe an add-on piece that straightens the flow coming off the screen or something.
I don't think we have a tremendous problem, just something that needs a little tweak. Most of the races this year have been really good and its only just today that was a little disappointing.
The last thing we want to do is something fake like DRS or PTP or cheezy custom deg tires. They need to fix the turbulence issue by fixing the turbulence issue. Leave everything else alone and straighten out the airflow.
There's a reason they don't race trains on an oval-shaped piece of railroad track... the leading train can't pass the lappers, and the chasers can't pass the leaders... even if they are faster. So it's all down to pit stops and undercuts/overcuts. It's more chess than racing.Pato is gonna watch Newgarden's gearbox for the rest of the race.![]()
The only legitimate way out is high horsepower and *dramatically* less downforce. I don't know how long it will take for the various sanctioning bodies to develop the courage to strip away 60 or 70% of their downforce... probably longer than I have the patience to wait.
Sorry for my rant, but this race was a serious piece of sh!t.
In a nutshell, I would rather watch a race in which the winner laps the field than a 'close' one in which the leader fears reaching lapped traffic because of an inability to pass, and deliberately slows down to avoid doing so. That particular condition that Lew mentions is a breaking point for me as well. You'll see it on a badly rubber down dirt track sometimes too.