Anthony Rendon didnt say it was too long it was because Baseball was too boring of a game and because of that it is long to him. The length would never be an issue if the product is fast paced action packed without lags. BAseball in my opinion was meant to be long and drawn out. I have always compared Baseball and Nascar as a relationship. You invest a lot into it, its a very long season, the games/races are time consuming. Football which is king is more like an affair. Its weekly appointment TV, lasts for the day and then you want it more as the following week winds down. Its fast paced with tons of action.
As NAscar fans we need to face the facts. We are different. IF you watch Nascar on a high level, the odds are you watch almost anything that has wheels and if it were horse and buggy you'd watch that too. The people who are saying that it is too long are not like us and will never be like us. I am a hockey fan. I understand that most people are not hockey fans. Hockey like Nascar is very technical and has a lot of nuances that hard core fans understand. When someone says "Nascar? I have no intrest in seeing cars go round and round." We think they just dont understand how they get those cars to do that at such a consistent level. The fact is that they are not interested in that. Even if they knew they would still not get it.
Football makes it easy for the fringe fan. Fans like to see guys go one on one and hit each other. THey do not care about the technical aspect like the footwork of a WR at the line of scrimmage.
On the topic of the timed races ideas, I have never really liked the idea of it, but they definitely need to shorten up some of the bigger tracks. Dont like the segment idea either. I always feel like it kills the flow of the race.