Which driver has the all time record for the best average starting position?
This driver has over 100 starts.Based on how many starts?
If a driver only started 3 races and qualified in the top 3 each time, would he have the all time record for the best average starting position?
Dick Hutcherson... started 103 races from 1964-67, 14 wins, 21 poles and an average starting position of 4.87Time's up....
Answer please.
Riiiight llol forgot Im supposed to ask another one.....
Which driver has the most lead lap finishes on road courses?
Yup... ur upMark Martin
I'm gonna just take a shot in the dark & say J.D. McDuffie, all due respect of course...
i agree, i think J.D. if not him Joe Nemechek
I was thinking race winning crew chief. Oops.
Nope, but they would have been good candidates.Wild guess...Fireball Roberts or Tiny Lund.
Joe Weatherly.....he was racing with Curtis Turner back to the motel and waited to the last minute to break, and it was to late, slid the car into a pool. they had bet smokes or liquor, or something like that on who wondoes R Clarence like this driver
The book on Nascar history that I read states that Fred Lorenzen put a rental car in a Daytona pool so that he didn't have to return it to the rental agency.i was pretty sure Joe went into a pool at daytona, i remember seeing a segment on tv and that and the time Ron Hornaday slept on a mattress that had a dead body inside it. my memory is getting bad though.
The book on Nascar history that I read states that Fred Lorenzen put a rental car in a Daytona pool so that he didn't have to return it to the rental agency.
Go ahead pudge and post the next question as you may also be correct.
The book on Nascar history that I read states that Fred Lorenzen put a rental car in a Daytona pool so that he didn't have to return it to the rental agency.
Go ahead pudge and post the next question as you may also be correct.