NASCAR Wives Show


Team Owner
Aug 15, 2017
I just watched about ten minutes of the new NASCAR Wives TV show, and it's making me question my desire to continue living. If I had to sit and listen to ANY of these woman for more than about thirty seconds, I would drive an ice pick through my eardrums. This show may do what Brian France couldn't do, and that is to run the entire sport out of business.
You are a better man than I , haven't watched any of it.
Hmmm, just hooked up my DISHTV yesterday after being on the road for 3 months AND they kept showing the Racing Wives commercials for CMT -- I thought they tossed this NASCAR version in the round file.

I'm sure Kyle Busch fans are very happy.
I’ve lost what little respect I had for you. :p Why would you even consider it? Were you channel surfing and that’s where the batteries died? :blink:

I stumbled across the promo while I was channel surfing, and with the kind of morbid curiosity that makes people continue to watch the video of the fatal Dale Earnhardt accident, I set the DVR. The show should be called "Valley Girls Invade Charlotte". Any ONE of them makes me long for the days of Brooke Gordon. My wife has been out of town for a week, and seeing a few minutes of this show makes me miss her more than than I ever thought I could. A normal unassuming Midwestern girl NEVER looked so good. I feel like I should send a gift to Kyle Busch for taking Samantha out of my state. Someone I know might have ended up married to her.
Not a good look for NASCAR in general. A bunch of "all about me, self centered snow flake types". Geez, and you'd think they would want to expand their audience. Crap like this show is insulting to average everyday folks. And average everyday folks is what NASCAR needs. Not a bunch of airheads waltzing around like they amount to something. I'd say it was shallow, but that would be a put down to shallow.
My last three months have been a blur of travel. I've watched NASCAR races and content -- from motels to tent sites. I haven't been watching Race Hub or NASCAR America, but I did visit a few NASCAR websites throughout the week (and this one daily :)).

So I was surprised when I finally got back home, turned on DISHTV and saw the CMT Promo for Racing Wives.

IF NASCAR wanted to promote this show, it probably would've been more obvious in their outreach. Maybe NASCAR did exercise proper judgment in NOT embracing this train wreck.
Wtf, I thought they weren’t going to do this show due to a lack of drama?
Not a good look for NASCAR in general. A bunch of "all about me, self centered snow flake types". Geez, and you'd think they would want to expand their audience. Crap like this show is insulting to average everyday folks. And average everyday folks is what NASCAR needs. Not a bunch of airheads waltzing around like they amount to something. I'd say it was shallow, but that would be a put down to shallow.

All of those shows are like that - generally just shallow, materialistic people who think they matter. I don’t think it actually has much connection to the sport at all. The basketball wives (NBA) show was exactly the same and I don’t think I have ever heard or read someone say “this is a poor reflection on the NBA” - it’s just the context for a reality show featuring overly-dramatic women being egged on to do overly dramatic crap on TV.

I doubt many regular NBA fans sat down to watch the basketball wives show and I don’t think the Nascar wives show is necessarily trying to appeal to regular Nascar fans. There’s an audience out there for these reality shows and it doesn’t necessarily cross over with the sport’s regular audience.
All of those shows are like that - generally just shallow, materialistic people who think they matter. I don’t think it actually has much connection to the sport at all. The basketball wives (NBA) show was exactly the same and I don’t think I have ever heard or read someone say “this is a poor reflection on the NBA” - it’s just the context for a reality show featuring overly-dramatic women being egged on to do overly dramatic crap on TV.

I doubt many regular NBA fans sat down to watch the basketball wives show and I don’t think the Nascar wives show is necessarily trying to appeal to regular Nascar fans. There’s an audience out there for these reality shows and it doesn’t necessarily cross over with the sport’s regular audience.

I feel sorry for anyone that would actually look forward to this bilge coming on. I can't imagine how a person could find entertainment in crap like this.
My wife told me she watched it for about ten minutes and couldn't believe anyone would really watch that crap.
This is just a PSA for the young juvenile males who lusted after the wives of NASCAR drivers. Once they see past the race day fake facade they will learn to appreciate a good cornbread gal from the grain belt. After all this is CMT.

Took me a minute to come to terms with the idea, I guess some people do that. I hope nobody objectifies and exploits the wimmins that way. A show with some real substance always appeals to me more..

Besides I can google Samantha Busch for indepth look at the heart of the woman. On the other hand I have a 70 inch TV that can provide a lot more detail. It also allows me to freeze frames or slow them during the playback and to allow for a high level of intense concentration. So this show might have the substance.
^ prefers American Pickers.

At least American Pickers has some educational value. I think my IQ went down ten points just from the few minutes I watched NASCAR Wives. And in case anybody thinks I'm just picking on Samantha Busch, Mrs. Dillon is WAY more annoying than even Samantha is. Kurt's wife probably came off the best, but as Chick McGee says, "There are no winners in a game of losers".
Your IQ can’t take much more.

Be careful out there.
^ prefers American Pickers.

Not me. I don't watch any "reality" tv. Don't watch much tv at all. Checked out the "wives" crap, out of morbid curiosity. Wasn't disappointed at all. It was as predictable and useless as I imagined.
Tough crowd.
I know many were spoiled by the General Hospital soap opry in the early 80s. Who can evah... evah... forgot the summer of Luke and Laura, makes me sorry for the youngsters that missed it.

Obviously a deep hurt and hole was left in the hearts of many here, and we aint ever going to find a suitable replacement for the love of our lives.

Poor Samantha and all the other wives that are reaching out to a room full of closed up sealed air arms.
Tough crowd.
I know many were spoiled by the General Hospital soap opry in the early 80s. Who can evah... evah... forgot the summer of Luke and Laura, makes me sorry for the youngsters that missed it.

Obviously a deep hurt and hole was left in the hearts of many here, and we aint ever going to find a suitable replacement for the love of our lives.

Poor Samantha and all the other wives that are reaching out to a room full of closed up sealed air arms.
I wondered about their ankles.

That was about it.
I know many were spoiled by the General Hospital soap opry in the early 80s. Who can evah... evah... forgot the summer of Luke and Laura, makes me sorry for the youngsters that missed it.

I watched General Hospital as a kid in the '80s because my mom did. Loved it, you're speaking my language here.

I've only heard of this wives program because of this forum and racing Twitter. I can't imagine seeking it out on a Friday night (?) with all the racing there is to watch.
Tough crowd.
I know many were spoiled by the General Hospital soap opry in the early 80s. Who can evah... evah... forgot the summer of Luke and Laura, makes me sorry for the youngsters that missed it.

Obviously a deep hurt and hole was left in the hearts of many here, and we aint ever going to find a suitable replacement for the love of our lives.

Poor Samantha and all the other wives that are reaching out to a room full of closed up sealed air arms.

Rick Springfield was a little too cool
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