Nationwide at Daytona

not as much action as I expected...Mexicans must all be watching soccer and the Blacks are all high....alas.
a lot of people shoot them around me, they don't bother me, i live in fireworks country, it's the mess afterwards that makes me mad. nobody cleans their trash up they leave behind.
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bubba passed 2 cars entering pit road
Cars to be in violation of the "no pushing' will be held responsible for their actions and penalized as Nascar sees fit - depending on sponsorship deals and all and how much money they bring in.
Cars to be in violation of the "no pushing' will be held responsible for their actions and penalized as Nascar sees fit - depending on sponsorship deals and all and how much money they bring in.
Penalized and turned on a blind eye depending on etc, etc. rule # 5 million 3 hundred thousand and four.
Poor Bubba. At least he stayed off of the car in front of him. Nice save, too. Learning. I hope they get the front fixed for him.
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