NFL 2023-2024

it's amazing this is even a 7 point game, Chargers had not much answer to the Lions run game, Herbert started to find some accuracy they'll need a lot more of that to have a chance
Credit to the Chargers for bouncing back and making this a good game. Great as their offense looks, there is definitely reason to be skeptical about the Lions' defense.
You have to really hate yourself to voluntarily watch the Giants. It's actually hard to believe an NFL team sucks this badly
Great news, they play the Patriots at the end of the month. If it were possible for a modern NFL game to end in a 3-3 tie that’d be it.

Maybe we can get a running clock going in the 4th later.
I think they should lose their charter.
CBS shows a terrible overhead view of the PI penalty and that's it. Looked like he probably held him? I'm tired of watching defensive backs getting away with mugging receivers in goal line, so if there was legit contact I'm fine with it. A better view would have been nice though.

Huge play and I actually agree with Staley's aggressiveness for once. Field goals aren't doing anything in this game.
almost Twice Stuffed, refs said we got you Chargers

Johnston is starting to be a go to guy
Romo has caught a lot of flack lately, and rightly so, but this is where he still excels. His way of explaining Herbert's reads in the hurry-up is technical but relatable, and nobody else can do it in real time.

What a damn shootout this is.
The Giants have had two starters concussed today and another two knocked out with other injuries. They should probably just start forfeiting games before someone gets killed. This is barely even an NFL team.
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