This product was designed as a safety tool for trade applications. It is used to cool down hot surfaces rapidly. It is an excellent tool for plumbers, welders, roofers, mechanics . all those who work with hot surfaces and open flame. Several members of the motorized racing industry use this handy tool to cool down hot surfaces such as tires and brakes when cars come into the pit area. Available in 12 oz. air powered spray can, this product is light weight and easy to handle. Sprays in any direction, even upside down!"
Ok, so here's what ya do. Empty all the gas out of your tank and put it in external cans. Cool down the cans adding gas as the volume decreases due to the molecules packing themselves closer together. Might get a few ounces to 22 gallons. But that's not the best part.
The best part is that because the gas is colder when ya put it back in the tank the temp rise on ignition is greater. The greater the rise the more horsepower, the more horsepower the less throttle ya gotta use, and the less throttle ya use the better mileage ya get.
Now if you've happened to figure out how to keep a fuel line cooled down DURING a race (like running it thru an ice bucket, which btw HAS been tried) by spraying this stuff on the gas line as ya go along, or running yer gas cans from the pump to your garage stall and THEN to the pits, well shucky dern we are talking HUGE advantage in both horsepower and mileage.
Wowzer, what a great application of a very old idea!!!!!
So Paul......is that about what's up or have they some kind of on board compressor or something?