Quite a bit faster than waiting for it to load each time.
No telling what page you'll end up at this way.
I think I'll return to the regular method now. I wonder how many pages this is...
I think I'll stop now. this is getting boring. :snore:
I feel really sorry for anyone who subscribed to this thread. Heh.
Boring as in it's kind of difficult to make 124 posts within 44 minutes when you have no competition. You know what I mean?
I mean, 124 posts to different threads is understandable, but this is the same thread... making that many posts isn't exactly fun.
I also specialize in bumping the top 50 threads in each forum with mindless gibberish... but I'm a nice guy so I won't do that.
Looking for something a little different in the Easter basket this year?


Holy smokes!!!!!! I think I've been reading...... for about an hour and a half lol guess i was bored. glad i clicked on the last page
lol well ya know. guess you can get caught up just trying to figure some things out:myob:
WOW, it's still here after all this time and still going strong. Anyone care to see the Christmas Spam gift list again? Nice earrings and boxer shorts for sale ;)
BTW Judas1, I thought you were told to stay away from the Spam? ;) Or perhaps that was someone else. :)
And no qwaz, I am not making a useless post, I was just celebrating that the Spam thread was still here. Ok, I'm finished now. Good bye Spam thread. (unless I need to get more post);)
I love the disclaimer!!!
had to click on it, figured I'd end up in there somewhere. lol:p

I think i need to make some popcorn and read it all :lurking: and lets see how long it takes me, wait no only someone that has no life would read all 77 pages of this.
:lurking: if ya want some go ahead and take it
did anybody see the new cadilac coming out in 2003. It's a 2 seater. It's in the ROBB REPORT Magazine. Pretty awesome looking car. Especially for a cadi;)
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