The 600 RACE thread ---

I was gonna say I hope this race comes down to fuel mileage but there'd still only be 3 guys that could win
These damned commercials with the kids being reunited with their military moms/dads always get to me.
Theres not enough beer in the frig to make this race anything but a YAWNER.....So Far...
Debris in turn 1 :rolleyes:

Why is everyone complaining. Go look in the dictionary for the definition of racing, then go look up the definition of passing.

We're racing here folks
Kinda funny that KFC trying to be hip is like the unhippest thing ever.
Fox's coverage has become beyond amateur. Takes them 10 minutes to update on track action cause they're too busy slobberin over Gordon and Danica.

There. They talked about your irrelevant driver. Happy?
Are you serious?

They mentioned the thing with Gordon just once and that was to showed he's made progressed from 27th to 12th. They haven't talked about him since.

It's a long race. They slobber over his nuts weekly
I'm really hoping Chad and Johnson are playing the long game, my guy really needs a win.
Happens when you're leading the point and being up front every week. :rolleyes:

Yet he won't be leading the points when the chase matters. And his point was that there are other drivers in the field to update and talk about, not to get the annoying Gordon fans in an anal uproar.
Yet he won't be leading the points when the chase matters. And his point was that there are other drivers in the field to update and talk about, not to get the annoying Gordon fans in an anal uproar.

And you know this, how?

He could win 3 more races and be the driver with the most wins by Richmond.
Wanna make another thread about who's our favorite driver?

Lol how's that an insult? It says more that someone spent the time to search through the archives and find the other posts.
Don't remember what channel, but I was channel surfing last night and I came across a guy eating a Krispy Kreme burger...a hamburger with two Krispys for a bun :eek:
Musta been a sporting event or a state fair...
We have those at our fair...delicious.

Goes well with deep-fried pickles.
Only a quarter of the way in and........................................................This place is gonna get ugly in about 3 hours.
Jeff must've gotten one of those "special massages" from the wife before the race. Made him forget all about his back;)
Don't remember what channel, but I was channel surfing last night and I came across a guy eating a Krispy Kreme burger...a hamburger with two Krispys for a bun :eek:
Musta been a sporting event or a state fair...
I saw that and I think that was the special about this place, maybe I,m wrong.
Why are they talking about Gordon? Well hes moving from 27th to 4th in 118 laps and he seems to be the only one passing during long runs.

If your driver was faster maybe they'll talk about him.

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