The Annex

Yeah tried to splain B=Boppen to Jessica it was actually her cat but Beepers I called her that too never took to Jessica she would let her pet hera couple times then she would bite her or scratcher do not touch!!! That was so weirdly...and she got mad would hiss at her the next second I would pick her up she be licken my nose.....oh and this was strange last week Beepers let Jessica pet and scratch her we were wth is up with that.......Guess she knew.

She must have known. I love animals so much. They are such good companions and never back talk. :)
Amazing she slept 23 hours a day...prob'ly took a nap for the other hour...;)..
Amazing she slept 23 hours a day...prob'ly took a nap for the other hour...;)..
Yup she was always sleeping she liked to crawl under the covers of my bed I have gone in there a million times B-Bop are you still breathing wake up already! Tell you woke her up If I came home with ice cream she came B-Boppen out of the bedroom.........never failed...
I'm headed to the sheets. Goodnight everyone.

Slow down there boys......what a great great jam!!!!!:punkrocke

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Amazing she slept 23 hours a day...prob'ly took a nap for the other hour...;)..
Every time I see this clip I wonder why would anyone want this trans setup. That's to much like work!!!! Would you want to have to go thru this all he time......fertrue for over the road only!

Benny I love ya but I had a left front tire blow on me at 65mph that truck made a left turn and was headed for the center divider in a blink of an eye cars were trying not to hit me I was trying not to hit them and go thru the lousy wire fence they had for a center divider and end up head on with the other side of traffic if I would have hit the accelerator I would went thru for sure..hell that scared the liven crap out of me skidded 50 yards seemed like and crossed 5 lanes.. and ended up parallel to the divider fence where I sat for 2 hours till they came and fixed the damn flat... You did say doesn't work for all no one hit me or me hit them I will never know....CHP Cop was holy chit you were holden on he was about 1/4 behind me.I think I said the F word about 10 times before I said anything still love ya Benny you are the best...



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She must have known. I love animals so much. They are such good companions and never back talk. :)

You've never met my almost 13 year old Yellow Lab Millie then, or as we now call her MissCrabbyPants. She will stand in front of me and just rip on me with assorted barks, growls and just plain complaining.
You've never met my almost 13 year old Yellow Lab Millie then, or as we now call her MissCrabbyPants. She will stand in front of me and just rip on me with assorted barks, growls and just plain complaining.
female huh. :)

Benny I love ya but I had a left front tire blow on me at 65mph that truck made a left turn and was headed for the center divider in a blink of an eye cars were trying not to hit me I was trying not to hit them and go thru the lousy wire fence they had for a center divider and end up head on with the other side of traffic if I would have hit the accelerator I would went thru for sure..hell that scared the liven crap out of me skidded 50 yards seemed like and crossed 5 lanes.. and ended up parallel to the divider fence where I sat for 2 hours till they came and fixed the damn flat... You did say doesn't work for all no one hit me or me hit them I will never know....CHP Cop was holy chit you were holden on he was about 1/4 behind me.I think I said the F word about 10 times before I said anything still love ya Benny you are the best...

That was very interesting. It also made sense about the side force. It was nice they weren't in traffic though. Next time you see or talk to Squirrel ask him if he has ever had a flat on the hauler and what would he do first if he did.
I'm going to apologize in advance because I'm probably going to step on a few toes and hurt some feelings --- but here goes.

Some of you folks from NFP have been here for almost 2 weeks --- some have even ventured out into other parts of the board.
We've tried to make you feel at home and welcome.

But others are setting up housekeeping here in the Annex as if you have no plans to integrate yourself into the life of the entire board.
Some of the old members here are beginning to resent some of you a little because they feel unwelcome/ignored when they come in
and visit. Maybe it's just because you don't know them.

I had the Annex set up because I was asked, very nicely, and I obliged. I didn't realize that it was going to lead to a divisive feeling among
new and old members. I'm beginning to get the feeling that it was a mistake --- I sincerely hope I'm wrong.

Then there was the issue with a couple of new members' use of all caps. We didn't understand and 1 or 2 remarks were made about
yelling. One of you jumped all over a member's comment with a hostile, belligerent answer. I understand that you were protecting
a valued member, but wouldn't a simple explanation been friendlier?

I understand your fear for your friend who ran NFP. Right now that's your concern.
But you also need to be concerned about this forum, too, and some show no desire to make new friends.
That was very interesting. It also made sense about the side force. It was nice they weren't in traffic though. Next time you see or talk to Squirrel ask him if he has ever had a flat on the hauler and what would he do first if he did.
The rig I was in was a cab over the rigs they used have the nose and engine up front so that would help. In the cab over I am all most sitten over the wheel......
I'm going to apologize in advance because I'm probably going to step on a few toes and hurt some feelings --- but here goes.

Some of you folks from NFP have been here for almost 2 weeks --- some have even ventured out into other parts of the board.
We've tried to make you feel at home and welcome.

But others are setting up housekeeping here in the Annex as if you have no plans to integrate yourself into the life of the entire board.
Some of the old members here are beginning to resent some of you a little because they feel unwelcome/ignored when they come in
and visit. Maybe it's just because you don't know them.

I had the Annex set up because I was asked, very nicely, and I obliged. I didn't realize that it was going to lead to a divisive feeling among
new and old members. I'm beginning to get the feeling that it was a mistake --- I sincerely hope I'm wrong.

Then there was the issue with a couple of new members' use of all caps. We didn't understand and 1 or 2 remarks were made about
yelling. One of you jumped all over a member's comment with a hostile, belligerent answer. I understand that you were protecting
a valued member, but wouldn't a simple explanation been friendlier?

I understand your fear for your friend who ran NFP. Right now that's your concern.
But you also need to be concerned about this forum, too, and some show no desire to make new friends.

Hi TRL as for me back at NFP,TR and NOL I very rarely went to other threads almost never you can ask anyone so thats just me.I found thats was the best way to stay out of differing opinions and arguments ........... I know one of the NFP gals she always uses Caps and means nothing of it thats just how she likes to type.....we have known her for years.....Though I haven't been to other threads I have talked to everyone that's come here me and Numbers have had a few nights talkin just me and him...if I ignored anyone it was not on purpose I have missed many posts I am still posting back at NFP......
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Hi TRL as for me back at NFP,TR and NOL I very rarely went to other threads almost never you can ask anyone so thats just me.I found thats was the best way to stay out of differing opinions and arguments ........... I know one of the NFP gals she always uses Caps and means nothing of it thats just how she likes to type.....we have known her for years.....Though I haven't been to other threads I have talked to everyone that's come here me and Numbers have had a few nights talkin just me and him...if I ignored anyone it was not on purpose I have missed many posts here.....

I think whats going on here is we want everyone to join in the board itself not just experience a small area. The board is great and has many areas.
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I think whats going on here is we want everyone to join in the board itself not just experience a small area. The board is great and has many areas.

I have seen some NFP Refugees posten on other threads.........I am sure in time we will branch out there...I am doing two Forums right now and not a fast typer an cant keep up with more stuff.... In January there will be no more NFP and sure you will see more NFP Refugees posten on other threads.
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I'm going to apologize in advance because I'm probably going to step on a few toes and hurt some feelings --- but here goes.

Some of you folks from NFP have been here for almost 2 weeks --- some have even ventured out into other parts of the board.
We've tried to make you feel at home and welcome.

But others are setting up housekeeping here in the Annex as if you have no plans to integrate yourself into the life of the entire board.
Some of the old members here are beginning to resent some of you a little because they feel unwelcome/ignored when they come in
and visit. Maybe it's just because you don't know them.

I had the Annex set up because I was asked, very nicely, and I obliged. I didn't realize that it was going to lead to a divisive feeling among
new and old members. I'm beginning to get the feeling that it was a mistake --- I sincerely hope I'm wrong.

Then there was the issue with a couple of new members' use of all caps. We didn't understand and 1 or 2 remarks were made about
yelling. One of you jumped all over a member's comment with a hostile, belligerent answer. I understand that you were protecting
a valued member, but wouldn't a simple explanation been friendlier?

I understand your fear for your friend who ran NFP. Right now that's your concern.
But you also need to be concerned about this forum, too, and some show no desire to make new friends.

First, let me say thank you for all you've done so far.
Our old site is still open and people are posting at both sites until the end of the year when NFP will shut down.
I'm thinking so far you've only had an influx of maybe 20 or so of us; not sure how many more will come.
We're trying to venture out,but we've only been here a short while and are still trying to learn our way around.
Be patient, we'll get there.
  • Like
Reactions: Pat
I have seen some NFP Refugees posten on other threads.........I am sure in time we will branch out there...I am doing two Forums right now and not a fast typer an cant keep up with more stuff.... In January there will be no more NFP and sure you will see more NFP Refugees posten on other threads.

Please come argue with us :D
I'm going to apologize in advance because I'm probably going to step on a few toes and hurt some feelings --- but here goes.

Some of you folks from NFP have been here for almost 2 weeks --- some have even ventured out into other parts of the board.
We've tried to make you feel at home and welcome.

But others are setting up housekeeping here in the Annex as if you have no plans to integrate yourself into the life of the entire board.
Some of the old members here are beginning to resent some of you a little because they feel unwelcome/ignored when they come in
and visit. Maybe it's just because you don't know them.

I had the Annex set up because I was asked, very nicely, and I obliged. I didn't realize that it was going to lead to a divisive feeling among
new and old members. I'm beginning to get the feeling that it was a mistake --- I sincerely hope I'm wrong.

Then there was the issue with a couple of new members' use of all caps. We didn't understand and 1 or 2 remarks were made about
yelling. One of you jumped all over a member's comment with a hostile, belligerent answer. I understand that you were protecting
a valued member, but wouldn't a simple explanation been friendlier?

I understand your fear for your friend who ran NFP. Right now that's your concern.
But you also need to be concerned about this forum, too, and some show no desire to make new friends.

I've been hiding under the bed trying to absorb this. Everyone here have been so nice so I'm taken back a little. I don't think we have been rude to anyone who has stopped by the Annex. Maybe I missed something? Not many have stopped by but that's ok. It isn't for everyone.

I appreciate everything you have done for us. I surely hope you don't come to believe we are a mistake.

We are concerned about this forum. We like it here and don't want to be shut out. However, not everyone is going to get along. But we can all be civil and I can't blame you or anyone here for expecting that.
First, let me say thank you for all you've done so far.
Our old site is still open and people are posting at both sites until the end of the year when NFP will shut down.
I'm thinking so far you've only had an influx of maybe 20 or so of us; not sure how many more will come.
We're trying to venture out,but we've only been here a short while and are still trying to learn our way around.
Be patient, we'll get there.

I'll take a stab at why TRL posted what she did as I don't know if you saw it … Carl was posting in his usual all cap style when a couple of RF peeps made comment of his "shouting" … nothing mean or hostile so then one of our NFP esteemed members posted a harsh reply defending both Lady6 and OBO's posting style … a little more tact may have went a long way …
First, let me say thank you for all you've done so far.
Our old site is still open and people are posting at both sites until the end of the year when NFP will shut down.
I'm thinking so far you've only had an influx of maybe 20 or so of us; not sure how many more will come.
We're trying to venture out,but we've only been here a short while and are still trying to learn our way around.
Be patient, we'll get there.

Thanks X. You said if better than I could.
I think whats going on here is we want everyone to join in the board itself not just experience a small area. The board is great and has many areas.

It is great and I'm sure it will be enjoyed by everyone. Some peeps are shy and others have had bad experiences before and need time.
It is great and I'm sure it will be enjoyed by everyone. Some peeps are shy and others have had bad experiences before and need time.

I just dont want the board Ive come to love be segmented between RF and NFP folks. we are ALL RF peeps now
I'll take a stab at why TRL posted what she did as I don't know if you saw it … Carl was posting in his usual all cap style when a couple of RF peeps made comment of his "shouting" … nothing mean or hostile so then one of our NFP esteemed members posted a harsh reply defending both Lady6 and OBO's posting style … a little more tact may have went a long way …

A esteemed member
I didn't see any of the posts but I know Lady6 always uses caps.....SHE REALLY DOES
Yes. please do. The extra interaction that those of you who have come already is great.
I've enjoyed posting in the other sections and meeting all of you … you all have been very nice even though I almost screwed up your countdown to the 500 thread … we are all learning our way around here and we are happy to have found such a cool forum to hang at … :cheers:
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