The, Budweiser Duels at Daytona

You and Johali, make watching nascar races so much easier.I hardley ever have to look up the schedule or the weather forecast. And for that i thank you.:)
That's why they pay us the big.... errr..... no problem. Glad we can help. Just like to post things that I think may be of interest to someone. Obviously not everyone but there's a little in there for everybody. Wait, what?
Glad she kept the car clean. Missed the 125s sorry I mean duels but saw the highlights. Man Jimmie was on fire! ;)
That's why they pay us the big.... errr..... no problem. Glad we can help. Just like to post things that I think may be of interest to someone. Obviously not everyone but there's a little in there for everybody. Wait, what?
Speaking of which I haven't gotten my check this week, or any week for that matter. :confused:
probably should wait until he is off his pain meds..until you mr perfects stick the knife in. the fellow was in the hospital having his gallbladder removed a day or so previous.

thinkin' that DW could us all a favor if he stayed out of the booth until he is off his pain meds.

No need for him to embarass himself.
thinkin' that DW could us all a favor if he stayed out of the booth until he is off his pain meds.

No need for him to embarass himself.

Considering everything he's ever done or said in the booth, I don't think he's too worried about embarrassing himself lol. Hell, remember when he announced for a race when his voiced was messed up and he sounded like Lucifer?
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