The person above you thread..

Originally posted by Bucky Badger@Jun 11 2003, 10:19 PM
haha fooled you, thought I hates cats

..mine is on my lap with his paws all over my laptop...gotta go
has a lap top
IS TELLING THE TRUTH AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :cheers: :bounce: (Man you can read my mind!!!)
Is right...I remember when he had 350 over 700?!?!? Wow...thats some fast make up posting!
She is a very big Ward Burton fan, and always helps me support Ward throught the forum.
Really hopes Rusty can get a win soon, so everyone will shut up!
Really hopes Ward will stay consistant and hopefully finish in the top 10, or top 5 points. ( Me too! )
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