Truck RACE thread --- Mosport

These are the pics my buddy drew and had signed last weekend.. Hes the one who got me in there
If I am a sponsor, I want no part of that.

Sponsors would probably love it as they would get a ton of looks at the replays and it would be shown every time an event was held at the track. If M&M's puts up with Shrub's nonsense I doubt what JHN did would raise any alarm bells with sponsors.
View attachment 20851 These are the pics my buddy drew and had signed last weekend.. Hes the one who got me in there


and by the way... been seeing Norm Benning in race results for years. and being a fan of the underdog/underfunded, because they make the sport, not the mega companies, i'm thrilled you had the opportunity to spend a weekend with what I consider a "real" racer.

and by the way... been seeing Norm Benning in race results for years. and being a fan of the underdog/underfunded, because they make the sport, not the mega companies, i'm thrilled you had the opportunity to spend a weekend with what I consider a "real" racer.
Im pretty sure Norm was the only driver in the garage area to get under his own truck.. It was great to be able to see that and to be a part of it.. I riveted the screen onto the brake ducts after we failed pre qualifying inspection.. Had to push the truck back and fix it right there.. I cant really put how it felt into words.. But I could talk about it forever lol

I find it funny that Kyle Larson had any thing to say about this.

Yeah I love the kid but he and others such as Larry McReynolds came off as classless by bashing a 19 year old kid for racing hard for the win. Considering Larson did the exact same thing early in his career, if anything he should relate.
Yeah I love the kid but he and others such as Larry McReynolds came off as classless by bashing a 19 year old kid for racing hard for the win. Considering Larson did the exact same thing early in his career, if anything he should relate.
No he didn't. Post a link showing the exact same thing.
Lmao! Well if that aint the most pathetic stand point in a debate I dont know what is.. Im a Joey fan so I have to like ppl being spun? Lol how many races has Joey won from spinning someone out? One.. And even when that happened I said I wish he'd have passed him clean but regardless Kenseth blocked like a mofo and deserved what he got.. As did Joey M'ville... However.. To say I cant say it was a dirty move at MoSport for that reasoning is just plain asinine

I was saying it in a way of, if spinning someone to you is worse, that makes Joey just as bad is all. But to me that's not the case, I rather someone have did that, or what Chase did, etc. Last lap to me if you gotta move someone, move them, but don't just slam and then hold them up on the wall.
I hate this board lol. You know the damn point I was making if you wanna be a nitpick then go right ahead.
I was saying it in a way of, if spinning someone to you is worse, that makes Joey just as bad is all. But to me that's not the case, I rather someone have did that, or what Chase did, etc. Last lap to me if you gotta move someone, move them, but don't just slam and then hold them up on the wall.
Well of course spinning someone is worse.. Whether Joey does it or not.. I never said I dont like JHN or Chase because of it but its not as respectable a win no matter who it is.. Of course circumstance is a big variable in all of this.. Nonetheless a win is a win and the harder they fight for it the more we as fans enjoy it no matter which side of the fight we're on.
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