I don't see anything wrong with it except that I think it is dumb. However, when we are celebrating every little accomplishment in such a grandiose and social manner that it begins to leak into the mindset of the person. I think we can all agree that the work force is a different place these days. I work with several people who insist on being patted on the head for just doing their jobs. Not excelling, just accomplishing the basic functions and when you put any sort of pressure on them they fold like a wet piece of paper. In my opinion, this mentality comes from over celebrating simple things that everyone does. It's the whole if everyone is extraordinary, then nobody is extraordinary argument. We live in a world that is in constant search of gratification, which is nothing new, but we used to seek that from ourselves and now we need to get it from others so we use these types of things to fulfill that need. We are creatures of our habitat and if everything you have ever done is filled with streamers, poppers, thumbs ups and likes when you step into the real world and someone doesn't offer that up how is it going to be handled?