Waltrip's Nascar 4 point plan Fix it

Yeah, the track bidding process could be interesting. Guys on here wanting the season to end in Vegas were ahead of the game. I don't think less rules more passing would happen like he thinks it will.
"End the season in Las Vegas"

Someone around here called that not too long ago. Props to whomever that was!
Everything he said looks good to me.
Nascar needs eyeballs looking from home and cheeks in the seats at the tracks and while I am not criticizing DW's ideas I just don't think they address the current problems.

After Kyle strode down the pits to his own beat down people on here were crowing that this was just what Nascar needed and the national attention the kerfuffle drew would lead to more people gaining interest in the series. Didn't happen.

Chopping 6 races is a good idea as Nascar has a glut of product.

Ending the season in Vegas or Timbuktu won't change any on track product.

While I am not against having less rules at this point it would be more a case of the haves separating themselves from the have nots as everyone who can afford to do something to get an advantage does so and then everyone else who can afford to copies it.
Out of touch.

The Vegas idea would be phenomenal if the racing there were anything like it is at Homestead. Vegas is a destination, it's made for major events. And if NASCAR wants that final weekend to be as major as they put if off to be - they either need to move it, or Homestead needs to drastically improve their facilities.
Out of touch.

The Vegas idea would be phenomenal if the racing there were anything like it is at Homestead. Vegas is a destination, it's made for major events. And if NASCAR wants that final weekend to be as major as they put if off to be - they either need to move it, or Homestead needs to drastically improve their facilities.

The finale may be a little better off in Vegas but with a new NHL team plus college and pro football plus a lot of interest in the new Las Vegas Raiders (even though they will still be in Oakland) Nascar could get pummeled from the competition.
I can agree with chopping some races, but good luck convincing SMI and ISC.

Ditto moving the finale to Vegas. Even if LVMS offered the greatest racing on three planets, ISC is never going to yield the season-ender to SMI. If the only justification DW can offer is so that teams don't have to travel between the finales and the banquets, it's politically easier to move the banquets to Homestead.

I don't care about the 'good guy, bad guy' thing. I don't think the sponsors have choked the life out of it, since DW easily identified all the current suspects. Over-emphasizing it smacks too much of pro rasslin'.

As Skoal noted, the only one of these that affects the actual racing itself is to reduce the number of rules. I can get behind that one.
this idea seems well thought out.

I like the let bad guys be bad. (girls)
Less races and finish in Vegas sounds good to me. I live 155 miles from Homestead Speedway and I would fly to Vegas for the end Race over going to Homestead. I have logged a lot of hours over the years at Homestead and I just do not like the place at all.
None of those ideas are what attracted people in the first place. People went to races to watch others do what they couldn't afford to do themselves or they were afraid. Danger Danger Danger is what attracted people then BUT Nascar and the drivers have taken all danger out of racing and so it no longer appeals to the masses. What two races still have the " big one" ?
What 2 race venues still have good attendance? Why? because they still have some element of Danger and that is what race fans want.
I like the idea of a Las Vegas night race finale on a SUNDAY night ( start at about 5pm local time) with the Awards banquet on a Tuesday. I would be okay with a schedule of 28-30 races, but dont know who you would leave off ( the whole schedule needs an overhaul IMO), I have ideas but that might be for another forum and itd be fun to debate. I think the aero package needs work but I dont know how you would do it. DW had some positive ideas to work with in that article, he came off much better in the article than he does on TV.
I'd be ok with shortening the season, but don't do it half-assed by cutting 4 or 6 races. Shorten it enough so everything is run between presidents day and labor day. No competition with the NFL or MLB Playoffs, the Summer is NASCAR's to rule.

Realistically, you could drop the three open weekends and the all-star race and fill them with regular points races to lessen the blow. Then you'd only have to cut 7 races instead of 11. Can you imagine how awesome the Southern 500 would be if it were the final race of the (full-season) championship?
I can agree with chopping some races, but good luck convincing SMI and ISC.

Ditto moving the finale to Vegas. Even if LVMS offered the greatest racing on three planets, ISC is never going to yield the season-ender to SMI. If the only justification DW can offer is so that teams don't have to travel between the finales and the banquets, it's politically easier to move the banquets to Homestead.

I don't care about the 'good guy, bad guy' thing. I don't think the sponsors have choked the life out of it, since DW easily identified all the current suspects. Over-emphasizing it smacks too much of pro rasslin'.

As Skoal noted, the only one of these that affects the actual racing itself is to reduce the number of rules. I can get behind that one.

I agree on the good guy bad guy thing as I feel it is way overrated in terms of the interest it would generate. There can be some very good rivalries without there being a good or bad guy.
Urban Dictionary

Internet Sniper

The sniper will do things like comment negatively on a photo, post a falsehood, or make rude comments with the intent to either embarrass or piss off the other person. They're very much like a drunk unwanted guest at a party.
The big question is can the Monster girls compete with the Raider cheerleaders.

No way!

Always liked the idea of starting it in Daytona and ending it in Daytona. Homestead can have the Independence Day race.

The people that bitch about the heat won't show up to Homestead in July.

Agree with everything he said expect dropping 6 races. Las Vegas finale just makes sense and needs to be done.

Metro Miami isn't Morgans Corner Arkansas and has population of 6 million which beats Vegas' 2 million.
Las Vegas is a city that has always been synonymous with championships. Also the reasons DW mentioned with the banquets.
Huh? Name a championship synonymous with Vegas that isn't poker or billiards.

I've already rebutted DW's banquets position. It's politically easier to move the banquets to Homestead than to get ISC to give the championship weekend to SMI. The banquets could be held wherever the last race is. I suspect those fans who watch the banquets don't care where they're held, since they couldn't get in anyway.
I always thought when I saw that black 3 car with Mr.GoodWrench plastered on it what I saw was Mr. Bad ass wrench. I never heard a peep out of GM about the way Sr drove. IMO there hasn't been a so called bad guy since that time frame. Yeah like D.W. said there are some potential bad guys, but they stop way short. Nascar fines the heck out of them for even complaining about the crappy car much less getting out of the car to "talk" to another driver. That's all on Nascar IMO, and Nascar should also take the bit between their teeth and talk to the various sponsors and say this is the way it is going to be, don't be here if that is too much for ya.
Las Vegas is a city that has always been synonymous with championships. Also the reasons DW mentioned with the banquets.

I have never heard of Las Vegas being synonymous with championships unless it was boxing 40 years and I don't think UNLV has won anything for 25 years or so. Where did you get the "synonymous with championships" as I don't get it?
This is the guy who screeches "Boogity - Boogity - Boogity" at me through my sound system.

If the season were shortened by 6 races I guess the opportunity for me to enjoy that would be reduced by 3. Unacceptable.:rolleyes:
I always thought when I saw that black 3 car with Mr.GoodWrench plastered on it what I saw was Mr. Bad ass wrench. I never heard a peep out of GM about the way Sr drove. IMO there hasn't been a so called bad guy since that time frame. Yeah like D.W. said there are some potential bad guys, but they stop way short. Nascar fines the heck out of them for even complaining about the crappy car much less getting out of the car to "talk" to another driver. That's all on Nascar IMO, and Nascar should also take the bit between their teeth and talk to the various sponsors and say this is the way it is going to be, don't be here if that is too much for ya.

You obviously have not been paying attention to shrinking supply of sponsors as Roush has dropped 2 teams, SHR will likely be down 1 next year as Gene is funding a lot of races from his own pocket and @Allenbaba reported that many teams are very concerned with the sponsorship issue. If you think that Nascar can dictate to the sponsors you are dead wrong.
Huh? Name a championship synonymous with Vegas that isn't poker or billiards.

Boxing I guess. UNLV in 1990? Was that vacated?

But yeah. Vegas has little pro sports history period because of gambling. Whether a Las Vegas venue would make for a better 'show' is a different matter. I tend to think not particularly, but it's debatable.
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