Waltrip's Nascar 4 point plan Fix it

How about instead of dropping races those of you who think that asinine idea is good just watch fewer races and let the rest of us enjoy it.
How about instead of dropping races those of you who think that asinine idea is good just watch fewer races and let the rest of us enjoy it.

that's too simple. They will say that is their right..for the betterment of Nascar to reduce the number of races blah blah blah lol.
How about instead of dropping races those of you who think that asinine idea is good just watch fewer races and let the rest of us enjoy it.
Less is more. NASCAR offers too much product, diluting the appeal. The only reason the schedule is 36 races is because of the events that were added to satisfy ISC and SMI's demand for events at the new tracks they build during the craze days. Sooner or later, some of those tracks aren't going to be profitable (probably when the new TV contract is negotiated), and the schedule will be reduced by economics anyway.

Fewer Cup races would also give race-loving fans more opportunity to hit the local tracks.
Less is more. NASCAR offers too much product, diluting the appeal. Fewer Cup races would also give race-loving fans more opportunity to hit the local tracks.
I want to watch cup races, and less is not more to me. I'm one of the few people who loves how long seasons are.
Huh? Name a championship synonymous with Vegas that isn't poker or billiards.

I've already rebutted DW's banquets position. It's politically easier to move the banquets to Homestead than to get ISC to give the championship weekend to SMI. The banquets could be held wherever the last race is. I suspect those fans who watch the banquets don't care where they're held, since they couldn't get in anyway.
I have never heard of Las Vegas being synonymous with championships unless it was boxing 40 years and I don't think UNLV has won anything for 25 years or so. Where did you get the "synonymous with championships" as I don't get it?

Really? Generally suprised by this. Rodeo competition and PBR host their championship in Vegas. Monster Jam World finals are also in Las Vegas. Supercross and Arenacross both hold championships in Vegas. Multiple fighting and boxing champions have been crowned there.

Think you misunderstood the statement as I wasnt talking about UNLV or anything that stays in Vegas. Many competitive leagues use Vegas to crown their champion.
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I swear more Cali people will get in their car and travel to Vegas to go to a race than would go across town in California to see the race there. I don't think they would stay home...but the Frances? different story I'm afraid.
I'm not sure anyone really beats the bad out of the bad guys anymore. I just don't know if anyone can pull it off as well as Kyle Busch does.

I don't think changing where the finale is will move the needle much or "fix the sport" in any manner.

I keep seeing "fewer rules!" paraded around a lot but never any suggestions as to what actually should be torn out of the rule book. And the racing has been generally good this year anyways.
I don't think moving the venue is about fixing the sport, but man would it save a bunch of money.
Yeah, just what are the fewer rules they are talking about..I believe we would be seeing a whole new generation of twisted sisters real quick like. lol.
Really? Generally suprised by this. Rodeo competition and PBR host their championship in Vegas. Monster Jam World finals are also in Las Vegas. Supercross and Arenacross both hold championships in Vegas. Multiple fighting and boxing champions have been crowned there.

Think you misunderstood the statement as I wasnt talking about UNLV or anything that stays in Vegas. Many competitive leagues use Vegas to crown their champion.
I didn't misunderstand you, but I question your use of the phrase 'synonymous with championships'.

What percentage of the population follows boxing anymore? Do PBR and the others have the combined audience NASCAR does? I mention audience size because I suspect most non-fans couldn't tell you where NASCAR championships are held. If they don't know that one, I doubt they know where the others are either. It's tough to be synonymous with championships if few people are familiar with the sport, much less its schedule.

Then again, I'm not much of a sports fan. I couldn't name an active boxer, or anyone active or retired in MMA. I couldn't tell you the difference between Arenacross and Supercross; I assumed they were the same thing, when I remembered they existed. But I may be out of touch with what's currently popular (again).
Yeah, just what are the fewer rules they are talking about..I believe we would be seeing a whole new generation of twisted sisters real quick like. lol.
Loosen up some of the tolerances. If it results in crabbing, so what? Keep the safety regs in place, and the Holy Trinity of engine, fuel, and tires. Let 'em go for broke on everything else - shocks, spoilers, aero, gear ratios, whatever.
I would think the only way to determine that would be an annual mud-bowl on the fall Vegas weekend.

No, really; I'm quite serious.

Tea shirts and micro daisy dukes, no mud. Has to be just water for transparency, in order for to get accurate scorecards from the judges.
One could start with the lug nut thing......
The lug nut thing is NASCAR's own fault. If they hadn't specifically mentioned they weren't checking it, Tony wouldn't have brought up safety. Everyone would be fudging on it the way they always had when the rule just said they had to be on, not tight.
Really? Generally suprised by this. Rodeo competition and PBR host their championship in Vegas. Monster Jam World finals are also in Las Vegas. Supercross and Arenacross both hold championships in Vegas. Multiple fighting and boxing champions have been crowned there.

Credit for making a good argument. I'm a big SX fan and didn't even think of that. As much as I love it and watch more of it than I do NASCAR at this point, it's very niche and small compared to what NASCAR is and wants to be. That's why you're getting blank stares with that statement.
How about instead of dropping races those of you who think that asinine idea is good just watch fewer races and let the rest of us enjoy it.

I think it is more about trying to get supply more in line with demand and to get rid of some of the sucky tracks.
I'd like to see a few races with no fake cautions or segments. I think people are getting bamboozled into thinking the racing is better than it is by NASCAR bunching the field up 10 times every damn race.
Less is more. NASCAR offers too much product, diluting the appeal. The only reason the schedule is 36 races is because of the events that were added to satisfy ISC and SMI's demand for events at the new tracks they build during the craze days. Sooner or later, some of those tracks aren't going to be profitable (probably when the new TV contract is negotiated), and the schedule will be reduced by economics anyway.

Fewer Cup races would also give race-loving fans more opportunity to hit the local tracks.


The NFL found out too much of a good thing is not good with Thursday night games and realize a 17 week 16 game season is better than a 18 game 20 week season. Nascar is still operating as if it is the halcyon days and needs to bring supply in line with demand.
I'd like to see a few races with no fake cautions or segments. I think people are getting bamboozled into thinking the racing is better than it is by NASCAR bunching the field up 10 times every damn race.
you are probably right if the race went until the end, but that is not the real world. Commercials and the racing have to live together. OTA network shows are only a shadow of what they were 50 years ago time wise. Revenue is a supply and demand entity.
Really? Generally suprised by this. Rodeo competition and PBR host their championship in Vegas. Monster Jam World finals are also in Las Vegas. Supercross and Arenacross both hold championships in Vegas. Multiple fighting and boxing champions have been crowned there.

Think you misunderstood the statement as I wasnt talking about UNLV or anything that stays in Vegas. Many competitive leagues use Vegas to crown their champion.

The only thing I know about PBR is it a beer I would rather pour down the drain than drink and the other things you mentioned are very minor. Las Vegas is synonymous with gambling, partying and buffets for sure but no champs they average Joe is going to know about.
Loosen up some of the tolerances. If it results in crabbing, so what? Keep the safety regs in place, and the Holy Trinity of engine, fuel, and tires. Let 'em go for broke on everything else - shocks, spoilers, aero, gear ratios, whatever.

It sounds great and sounds fair but if that is the case you might as well only line up the Penske, Hendrick, JGR and maybe SHR and RCR teams as the others will be spent into oblivion and will make Danica Patrick look like front runner. By the way I have no problem with running a lot less cars so losing the back markers and field filler would not be a problem for me.
I didn't misunderstand you, but I question your use of the phrase 'synonymous with championships'.

What percentage of the population follows boxing anymore? Do PBR and the others have the combined audience NASCAR does? I mention audience size because I suspect most non-fans couldn't tell you where NASCAR championships are held. If they don't know that one, I doubt they know where the others are either. It's tough to be synonymous with championships if few people are familiar with the sport, much less its schedule.

Then again, I'm not much of a sports fan. I couldn't name an active boxer, or anyone active or retired in MMA. I couldn't tell you the difference between Arenacross and Supercross; I assumed they were the same thing, when I remembered they existed. But I may be out of touch with what's currently popular (again).
Credit for making a good argument. I'm a big SX fan and didn't even think of that. As much as I love it and watch more of it than I do NASCAR at this point, it's very niche and small compared to what NASCAR is and wants to be. That's why you're getting blank stares with that statement.

Maybe synonymous wasn't the best choice of words. Point is though that alot of competitive leagues use Vegas to crown their champion. I'm sure the boxing/fighting culture is responsible for leagues placing their championships in Vegas with the "big fight feeling" the town is known for. NASCAR making Las Vegas its championship race would play heavily off that "big fight feelling" for marketing especially with it being 4 contenders.
D.W. was saying hold the championship banquet the week after the championship race in Vegas. That would save a bundle.
So would holding the banquet at Homestead.

Aren't the banquets held a few weeks after the last race? If that's the case, it wouldn't matter if they were held in Dubuque. Nobody is going to hang around in either Vegas or Homestead for three weeks, especially if the team isn't going to pay for it (and it isn't). It isn't where they're held that drives the cost savings, it's also when.
your not getting it. He said the week after...that would require a change...but again it would save a bundle.
None of those ideas are what attracted people in the first place. People went to races to watch others do what they couldn't afford to do themselves or they were afraid. Danger Danger Danger is what attracted people then BUT Nascar and the drivers have taken all danger out of racing and so it no longer appeals to the masses. What two races still have the " big one" ?
What 2 race venues still have good attendance? Why? because they still have some element of Danger and that is what race fans want.
Plates suck
Huh? Name a championship synonymous with Vegas that isn't poker or billiards.

I've already rebutted DW's banquets position. It's politically easier to move the banquets to Homestead than to get ISC to give the championship weekend to SMI. The banquets could be held wherever the last race is. I suspect those fans who watch the banquets don't care where they're held, since they couldn't get in anyway.
The Monster Energy Supercross finale is there as well as the Monster Cup million dollar Supercross race. I don't think of Championships and think of Vegas, I just think it'd be a really neat place to have the season finale. I have no ill will towards Homestead, they've carved out a niche as the season finale. But I also think if changed Vegas would thrive as the season finale.
Always liked the idea of starting it in Daytona and ending it in Daytona. Homestead can have the Independence Day race.

The racing would be so unbelievably good. My god a plate race for the title, that'd be beyond thrilling
Don't get rid of those six races just yet....

1. In those 6 races only, run real "stock" cars and NASCAR will see fan and sponsor interest as well as loyalty levels soar.

2. Never postpone or delay a single "stock car" race for weather. After all, stock cars have headlights and windshield wipers.

3. Caution flags are for CAUTION! Not pit stops. Pits to be closed during cautions. Everyone must pit under green.

4. Stock car racers limited to street fuel and tires (just like us average drivers).

5. Over-priced trackside venders must supply a free shot of 'shine to their next dozen customers at each leader change.
Having the final race in Vegas so that the awards banquet can be sooner will save NASCAR?

This guy gets paid to say this stuff??
^^ I can see my interest and loyalty levels crushed between a Safer Barrier and what little is left of the front half of a
Ford Fusion cookie salesman's car.
Don't get rid of those six races just yet....

1. In those 6 races only, run real "stock" cars and NASCAR will see fan and sponsor interest as well as loyalty levels soar.

2. Never postpone or delay a single "stock car" race for weather. After all, stock cars have headlights and windshield wipers.

3. Caution flags are for CAUTION! Not pit stops. Pits to be closed during cautions. Everyone must pit under green.

4. Stock car racers limited to street fuel and tires (just like us average drivers).

5. Over-priced trackside venders must supply a free shot of 'shine to their next dozen customers at each leader change.
Never work
No off-weeks during summer. This is NASCAR season (as a poster above mentioned). Once NFL season starts, run more Friday night, Saturday night, and mid-week races.
Move the season finale to Martinsville (under the lights)
Host the All-Star race @ Charlotte on the Sunday following Martinsville (season finale)
Move the banquet to Charlotte and host it on Monday night after the All-Star race
Replace the Firecracker 400 @ Daytona with the Bristol night race, and move that 2nd Daytona date to the first race of the Chase
Keep the iconic tracks on the schedule every year (Daytona, Talladega, Bristol, Martinsville, Darlington). Every other track on the schedule is up for bid so long as they currently host 2 races per year.
For all tracks that have 2 races, 1 must be run under the lights. If a track doesn't have lights it only receives 1 race per year.
Let teams "throw the kitchen sink" at how they set up their cars. This will give the smaller teams a chance to compete with the big boys and we will see more darkhorse winners.
Keep stage racing but don't throw a caution between stages.
Once a driver has 100 Cup starts, he/she will not be allowed to compete in the lower series (unless you go the Elliot Sadler route and "retire" from Cup racing).
Increase the maximum race field to 43 for all 3 major series.
Make the Talladega races a triple-header. 100 miles for Trucks, 150 miles for Xfinity, and 250 miles for Cup.
For Trucks & Xfinity, host at least half their races per year (together) at tracks where the Cup series does not race. Maybe try getting Indycar, Whelen, and other series involved in these weekends too.
Only green flag pit stops are allowed. If you pit under caution, you start tail-end of the field.
^^ I can see my interest and loyalty levels crushed between a Safer Barrier and what little is left of the front half of a
Ford Fusion cookie salesman's car.
We call our company Ford Fusion's account representative cars
The crossover SUVs have turned the fwd family cars into fleet and rental cars.On the bright side when Monster Energy leaves,it can become Hertz or Enterprise rental car series.
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