Weather Check-In

Left Orlando Florida at around 90 degrees. It is currently 80 degrees at home now.
77 at 6 am this morning. Mid 90's and high humidity again for today.
Heavy rain,thunderstorm came thru 90 minutes ago. Went from the 90's to 73. Humidity went up to 86%. Can't win.
Hot, hotter, hottest. And I started doing high paced walk around a track after work with some other folks. Whew, out of shape, and sweating.
Heavy rain,thunderstorm came thru 90 minutes ago. Went from the 90's to 73. Humidity went up to 86%. Can't win.
They are calling for heavy storms here, but we have yet to get them.
Hotter'n begeezus and the humidity is off the scale. Today's dew point was 72. Work outside and see how that is. BTW, when temps dip below 90 or even 80, if the dew point is over 65, it's misserable. I'll take 95 with a dew point of 25 over 70 with a dew point of 65 any day.
We had several micro bursts go through last evening. We lost power for about an hour.
It's 71 right now and cloudy. Humidity is 61% but it's almost comfortable.
Low to mid 80's forecast for the next 7 days. 80's I can handle as long as the humidity isn't too high. Wife only drives 3 miles each way to work but the a/c died in her car Tuesday. 3 miles, takes maybe 7-8 minutes and she's byitchin'. Just no pleasin' wimminz. Told her to take my truck, a/c in that thing is so good you could hang a side of beef in it. But she's 5 foot, 1 inch and 3/16, tells everyone 5'2" but I know better. She has to use a little Rubbermaid steppy stool to get in a out. She's got a rope on it to pull it into the truck. When she comes in and drops the stool me or the kids always yell LAND HO, DROP THE ANCHOR. I LMAO. She doesn't see the humor. Guess I'll be doing a/c work on her car this weekend.:( That or her threat of buying a new car might come true!:eek:
High today was 72, light rain showers. Great considering what we had.
The computer is saying it's 103 outside, my thermometer says 99, and we're about to get some thunderstorms (I can already hear the thunder). That's strange, it seems a little warm for storms to be developing. :confused:
Well, the storms yesterday were only mild, but over 30 mins. after the rain stopped, our power got knocked out. Shortly after, there were two fire trucks on our street. Apparently, a tree branch fell on a power line, and we were one of only two blocks w/out power. We were without power from around 7pm last night until just a little past 11pm. It was not fun.

Well, at least the power went out yesterday after the temp outside cooled down a little due to the storm (though it was still hot, humid, and uncomfortable), and not today when the high temp reached 108.
70 degrees with 94% humidity. It is suppose to get up to the low 80's today.
Only 74 right now. Forecast is 84 with humidity into the 60's again.
Yesterday was nice, barely hit 80 and low humidity. Need more days like that!
I really shouldn't be giving my location over the internet, but I'll say I'm on the Fort Worth half of the metroplex.

Well, okay. It's not like I asked you for your home address. Just curious as to what city since there are several of us on here in the N. Texas area.
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