Weather Check-In

Got woke up around 5:00 this morning with some sever, loud, heavy thunderstorms. Looked at the radar on, and it looks like a damn hurricane popped up out of nowhere. Heading up north pretty fast too. I've named it "Hurricane Wha?"
A little nippy at 6 am today, 46 degrees! That's only 14 degrees above ice! Time to break out the fur lined mogandies.
72 is the forecasted high.
SST, send some of that cool back down this way. Started out at 59*, but heading toward the low 90s in a hurry.

And if anyone has any spare rain, send it this direction.
TRL, shut the window a/c's down a few days ago. Windows are open. This morning my wife asked "what's that noise?" I said what noise and was berated for being a old deaf fool. ;) Turns out it was the furnace kicking in! Windows open and furnace on,,that makes sense....right?
Absolutely beautiful here. Of course it's Monday instead of the weekend, but.

Yesterday was nice, and Friday night saw perfect racing weather for a change.

Hell, I think I can start opening the windows now.
Absolutely perfect here right now. Sunny and slightly breezy with a temperature of about 70 degrees or so.
Perfect, perfect, perfect weather. Sunshine all day, around 80º with just a few clouds and the slightest breeze. And to top it off, it was race day, and so is Saturday, with more of the same perfect weather expected. Really doesn't get much better than this.
46 @ 6 am. I really have to teach the dog to sleep in on weekends,,,,
That just sounds miserable.
Yup, and it's a taste humid, too. I work outdoors and it's nice to get off work and be inside with the A/C.
The nice thing is that I can jump on my motorcycle and zip down to the coast in about 30 minutes, where the temp is about mid-80's (with bikinis).
Prolly gonna be near the 110 area today.
Last time it snowed at my house was prolly mid-80s. Just a light coat of white crap on the grass. I was looking around for Rod Serling...

Atleast it's not hot out:D
72, cloudy. light sprinkles. Heavier rain coming tonight,,or so they say.
Storm rolled thru around 1 am, heavy rain and I mean heavy, about 2 inches in about a hour or so. But it was the wind that woke me. Thought I was living next to railroad tracks and the express roared by.
Did solve one problem, I've wanted to trim a limb off a big oak we have, it overhangs the driveway. My wife says no way. Well Mother Nature took that sucker down last night, missed my truck by just a foot or so. :)
Love it when a plan comes together.:cheers:
We were under a tornado watch most of the day yesterday, but didn't see anything major nearby. Got some good rain last night, but that's about it. Still cloudy, but kind of fall like outside.
I hate to see summer end as I know winter will be here soon, but then I look at my $300+ electric bill and say GOOD RIDDANCE!
A ray of sunshine in this cooler almost fall like weather is my wife will be hitting the orchards and start baking apple pies. Hmmmm.
Started out at 56* this morning --- warmed to 91*, but humidity was low so it's not too bad.
Got all legal stuff done this AM --- probate court for hubby's will, vehicle and land titles changed.

About to go out and do some mowing. With the rain and sunshine, I hear the green stuff growing.
Temps are down to 90 deg this week and looking like 80s next week. I'm going to enjoy my month off.
Rained Friday, more rain Saturday, a little rain Sunday and a few sprinkles yesterday morning. Chance of rain 20% later today then 70% chance of rain tonight and more rain showers forecast everyday/night until Friday.
Lows of high 50's at night, daytime highs of low 70's. Could be worse, could be 20 degrees and snow
Man, someone turned on fall! 80º and sunny yesterday, rainy and cold right now, and probably won't even reach 60º today. Had to close all the windows.
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