dale jr download

I don't know if the show was any good, I did not watch any of it.
Tiny raced a lot at the Old and New Jacksonville Speedways. He was the master of the "slide job."
anyone know where I can find a good slide job?

ohh opps, I mean side job...
Enjoyed the Kelly Earnhardt episode. Good interaction between Jr. and Kelly and interesting stories of their early years.
You could hear the restraint in both of them whenever the stories came around to Theresa. Like if they spoke their true feelings there would be hell to pay.
On the recommendation of this thread checked this show out.

OMG I love listening to Dale

On a side note, when I drive taxi on the radio we do not use names. We are required to use numbers. I used to be 88, but now I am car 8. I have always had a soft spot for Jr.
Only got to hear 20 minutes of her interview so far but...WOW. She has a racer mindset, knows more about cars than you may think, and is crazy competitive. It really comes across. The rest will be interesting.

Agreed. I listened to the entire thing. She makes some shots at decker "I am not at the race track to pose with my car" and even at patrick, "I dont have anything other than racing going on".

I am and always will be a patrick backer, but this bothered me. I remember lamentingi n here that I wish she go race dirt on weekend, or get in a sim go to the shop ANYTHING.

AND SHE SAID SHE wants to do Eldora. that will be a show.

Shes got her dads "all the matters is win" mindset and admires Dale Sr.
Could not believe the Jeff Gordon hate between Sr and rusty

It made for some crazy good racing. Watching a lot of races from 95-97... it’s wild how often those three would find themselves 1st through 3rd at different points in races. You wanna see a show... those guys would push each other to the edge whenever they were close to one another. Lap 1, lap 19... halfway point in a race. They didn’t care.
Deegan's was the first one of these I actually sat down to watch/listen to in full. Smart kid with an infectious personality.
Yeah the Dale Jarrett episode was a great listen!
Really enjoyed the Chase Elliott episode. Fun conversation between he and dale jr.

Its a great podcast. driver seem to open up to dale JR.

I also am finding ,like like his dad, I miss on track. I rooted like hell against june bug in the early years.
Later on, as he matured, I cheered him.
Never realized how condensed the TV version is until today. They cut out some pretty decent chunks from the Chase interview in order to fit that hour window.
They really did chop it up, and even change the order of some comments. I mean, I understand why NBC left out the intro portion about funny moments at track or in NASCAR where they discussed Tim Richmond taking out his "member" in the Winston driver poster or DW farting in the tv booth, but it was hilarious. It was also fun to hear Chase getting a little feisty with Dale's mocking of living in Dawsonville. There were a couple times that you could tell that Chase wanted to give an honest answer, but had to think about what he was allowed to say per sponsors or NASCAR. (the favorite restaurant question, the question about Driver's Council)
They really did chop it up, and even change the order of some comments. I mean, I understand why NBC left out the intro portion about funny moments at track or in NASCAR where they discussed Tim Richmond taking out his "member" in the Winston driver poster or DW farting in the tv booth, but it was hilarious. It was also fun to hear Chase getting a little feisty with Dale's mocking of living in Dawsonville. There were a couple times that you could tell that Chase wanted to give an honest answer, but had to think about what he was allowed to say per sponsors or NASCAR. (the favorite restaurant question, the question about Driver's Council)
I was honestly shocked to hear how OK he is with the current state of the cars and rules and such. He's an easy going guy, so the "let's just race" part didn't surprise me, but I'm not so sure he doesn't truthfully miss the high HP motors.
I was honestly shocked to hear how OK he is with the current state of the cars and rules and such. He's an easy going guy, so the "let's just race" part didn't surprise me, but I'm not so sure he doesn't truthfully miss the high HP motors.
That did surprise me. I think he doesn't like it (talked bout how you get stuck behind someone that you're far better than but can't pass), but is more annoyed with NASCAR changing rules constantly or feigning interest in driver feedback. Like he said, "someone just make the rules and stick to it."
Instead of all of us having to adjust our TV's why don't they adjust the screaming gerbil's mic's?
I personally like Jr and honestly he's the only guy with some type of sensibility in the booth. Burton and Letarte are by far worse with the screeching and I understand where he's coming from. He's had some moments where he is a bit off the wall, but not as bad as many make it out to be IMO.

Its a fine line because its either being excited, which I enjoy their passion. Or do we want another Vince Welch sounding horribly monotone even with some sort of excitement. I occasionally complain about the broadcast, but I think WE ALL complain way too much about the broadcasts. That's just me though, we should all be experts at volume control and get paid more than the guys controlling the audio.o_O

Also, with the radio styled broadcats, they have to turn up the mics some to hear commentary over the engines.
While I appreciate Dale Jr, addressing the topic honestly, I do have one disagreement. I listened to Barney Hall call races for YEARS without EVER hearing him get wound up like a teenage girl at Taylor Swift concert. It's alright to have SOME excitement, but for God sakes keep it under control.

Yeah I was going to say something along the lines of whenever in my history of listening to Nascar have I ever heard three of em yelling about a 24th place car passing the 23 place car for one example. Lap after lap of TRUEX IS GOING TO CATCH HIM!!! Whats the difference of last year's POINTS MATTER? I think they just like to scream and yell, that is their idea of announcing. I think it sucks, like calling WOLF WOLF! for everything.
I personally like Jr and honestly he's the only guy with some type of sensibility in the booth. Burton and Letarte are by far worse with the screeching and I understand where he's coming from. He's had some moments where he is a bit off the wall, but not as bad as many make it out to be IMO.

Its a fine line because its either being excited, which I enjoy their passion. Or do we want another Vince Welch sounding horribly monotone even with some sort of excitement. I occasionally complain about the broadcast, but I think WE ALL complain way too much about the broadcasts. That's just me though, we should all be experts at volume control and get paid more than the guys controlling the audio.o_O

Also, with the radio styled broadcats, they have to turn up the mics some to hear commentary over the engines.

People have a problem with NBC this year? Their coverage is excellent.
People have a problem with NBC this year? Their coverage is excellent.
Idk, but I think the commentary this year has improved slightly.

Its aggregating hearing the same bellyaching over commentary every single race. The cringey screeching is a bit much at times. Honestly though, I think the commentary has improved some. NBC gives a bit more effort on the video side with different camera angles and such compared to FOX. Audio on the other hand, I can agree NBC needs to work on it. This is just my honest opinion, I like to hear commentary with the energy these guys give, just they can tone it down slightly at times.

No Burton and Jr are not the Benny Parsons, Barney Hall, or Buddy Baker's of the world. They don't need to be let them be enthusiastic and themselves.
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