2 Sweet
HMS 4-life
This is amazing.....
This is the kind of stuff I think about when I watch commercials
commercialsihate.com Website Holding Page
The latest one is better than the last one, IMO... if not just as unbelievable. Sure grandpa puts on wolf ears and dresses the grandkids up as piggies to tell the Three Little Pigs story, because that's what kids these days are into... Spend 20 minutes getting dressed up to be told a 10 minute story.
But yeah, that last kid. Got that Three Little Pigs themed birthday party he always wanted, complete with big ass fondant cake, only to have no one but Mom, Graampa, and little brother show up.
"Gee, what are we going to do now?"
"I dunno, maybe gramps can tell us again why he wheezes all the time!"
This is the kind of stuff I think about when I watch commercials